No wonder, ever tried to vape with your nose closed??
Well, try it… you know what you’ll get?? Sweet…… nothing!!! Nada…
It’s your tongue and nose that do the job that’s why your better at smelling…
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Oh my gosh, I did have that turned around, leave it to me to have the profile back asswards. I guess it’s easy to look at a list of flavors and immediately think of what I would be looking to do with them. The last thing I wanted was to make something seem more complicated than it needs to be. My first thoughts were to encourage having fun in the attempt. @Bryan22 was obviously working hard to get a handle on this mix, trust me I’ve been there. It looks like you guys have worked a lot out since I last checked in. Bryan when you get to or close to the final product I look forward to trying it out, I’m a fan of those flavors.