Looking for Input on a New Mod

I just realized I totally didn’t answer your questions in my last reply. Lmao

I have two main mods that I use regularly (like I said, a 3 battery mod and a 4 battery mod).
I go through (on average) probably 40-50ml of juice per day I think…? Sometimes more sometimes less.


Thats a good way of putting it. Thanks, I’ll give it a try.

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40-50ml a day! Holy crap. Good thing you DIY.

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Right?! I’d go broke if I was still buying juice.


So, I decided to go with the Voopoo Drag. Though the battery door with the big DRAG on it is a bit lame looking, the resin panel looks decent and it seems to perform quite well so far. It is definitely an improvement from the Smok Procolor I was using. No heat issues so far and the battery life seems to be much better than the Smok.

Thanks to everyone for their input and suggestions regarding my quest. Hopefully this mod will serve me well as I continue to struggle with quitting smoking. You guys ROCK!


All these people buying poo!! Must be a pretty decent mod… Congrats man.


Thank you. Hate the name. Hate the battery cover. However, I am digging the mod so far. For the price I paid, I am quite happy with it.


My Ipv eclipse sits more idle than my voopoo’s do. Just to give you an idea.


Works for me; I’m not one to judge. Vape what ya dig, I always say! :+1:


Cigarettes would be cheaper if you didn’t DIY


That is something i get alot lately, its a great alternative but when not DIY , it will become even more expencive for some in the long run.
I know a dude that spends about 24€ (about 28,50USD) every 3 days on ejuice…
Cigarets daily would be about 18€ … makes you think…


Maybe Vape Skinz has a skin designed for that mod and you can cover the battery door? I bought a clear skin for my Revenger X and a camo skin for my roommates Eleaf tc40. They work great and there’s no sticky residue if u take it off.


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I use the eleaf with the 26 650 battery and it lasts a long time and really delivers that amperage when needed without overheating.
I also found the chipset is very user-friendly with very many settings. It also has upgradeable firmware and its a solid budget mod

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I love the IPV8 but I can’t keep the battery door closed. I’ve got electrical tape on it right now and that works. But really???

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The latest ones in that were all around $50

Revenger: Real nice mod but it does smudge a lot from skin oil.
Smoant Cylon Real nice mod
Hcigar Warwolf Great mod but single battery
I’ve got an Aspire Speeder coming in tomorrow. From everything I have gathered it should be very nice.


I wonder if they changed the 8 a little bit over time as I have never had an issue with the 8 the 6x was abysmal though -great mod but for the door.


Very well could have. I wish they sold spare parts. I would love to purchase a new door.


That’s the one I’ve been eyeballing for a couple months now…would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it (both initial impression, and after you’ve used it for a couple months.

Will do! I might even do a review after I’ve had it for a bit if I can figure out how to use the screen software with the scope. Regardless, Ill put something up.


Excellent choice. I have a Drag and enjoy it very much. A bit heavy, but that comes from the solid materials used. Going back to your original thoughts, I have a suggestion you might like.

Here is how I reasoned spending the money for that Triade you were interested in (Lost Vape is worth keeping in your radar). My last cigarette was a Marlboro 27 in August of 2015. I started with a Juul , moved to the Innokin CoolFire IV TC100 (a great internal battery mod) followed by a T-Priv by month 24. I was just about ready to reward myself for successfully transitioning. I DECIDED 27 MONTHS AFTER MY LAST Marlboro 27 WAS MY SPECIAL OCCASION MOMENT- WHEN DO YOU THINK YOURS SHOULD BE?

I placed an order for the Modefined Prism 250watt, which you were curious about & then found a great deal on a Lost Vape Triade DNA 250 at ejuices.com… well below any I had seen to date, I grabbed it. Both arrived by the second week of November. I find them to be relatively equal in my vape experience except for the escribe software from evolv & the $ difference. I also bought a Geekvape Aegis the month before simply because of its military spec rating.

I would suggest you order a Prism now as a “back-up” mod. They are about $50 (gearbest has all the color combinations… go for the elephant black battery door, you will like it). The DNA 250c will be released soon so hold off on a Triade. Modefinded already offers the one big thing the Triade will be getting soon, a 3rd button (menu) which saves you from dealing with those complicated button combinations. 3 battery mods will last longer between charges. The Prism weighs 30grams more than the Drag with batteries in it. The Triade is another 30grams heavier. Both feel great in the hand & are really accurate in output.

The Aegis another option for a backup mod for a few reasons. You only vape 40-50 watts, so its 100 watt power is enough. The vape experience is closer to the ProColor you know, but not as good as the Drag’s. It’s my goto mod for bad weather days. I don’t feel comfortable vaping in the rain with any other mod. The battery life is decent with a 26650, but not what you get from 2 18650s. Feels great in the hand & has a display that is very clear. The Drag display is similar to a Triade’s in size, I’m sure you have noticed that difference from the ProColor.

Final points. Are you a Windows or Mac person. Make sure you buy mods that you can upgrade with your computer. I had to use my brother’s to do my Drag update. Also, in these posts I didn’t see anything final on how you charge your batteries. I like the Nitecore I4. I have a buddy who just made the switch a week ago and he asked me to choose his gear. I got him the iCare2 to start and a Thinkvape Finder 75c along with a Nautilus2 & Siren2 tanks plus the I4 charger. The Finder 75c really impressed me & is that Therion style you were originally leaning toward. It is more expensive than the Drag or the Prism, but if you find yourself still vaping under 50 watts, a DNA 75c dual battery is enough and perhaps 40 or 50 grams lighter than the Drag.

Hope you had a nice vape while reading this, and while you don’t need as many mods as I bought in 2017, having another quality mod around is helpful. The cheaper option is to buy spare batteries and swap them in while the others are charging. VTC5a, VTC6 & Samsung 25r’s do me well. The VTC6a is about to hit the market and Mooch is impressed with them.

Be well. Phil

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