Why, specifically, so they match? Just curious.
Both that you bought have a quality rod magnet, and are lab rated.
If I had a choice between them for $100/ea I would choose the OptiMag.
[Used-Line] sells refurbished OptiMag’s for $175+/- , VWR’s about the same, little less $150+/-
You can get a Barnstead or Corning for $200+/- in the same rating category.
I am not talking about ‘used’…but refurbished, where they have been completely tested/repaired, etc.
The rest of the stuff is a bonus, and great if you have a use for it, but not to me for e-juice.
The VWR hot plate is a great bonus [I don’t have a need for it in e-juice] , and you can use the multi-block
to heat some vials/bottles (x8) if you have a use [tinctures, essential oils, pig blood, peyote, etc.] as are the
other holders/probe/clamps…
The OptiMag has a longer magnet, but the VWR [may] have a larger diameter magnet. Both are good.
The truth is, there are only a handful of mfg’s that make mag-stirrers. Many, many different models and applications. There is high-end, medium, and low-end. The brand [names] on them are really insignificant.
Your two are very decent stirrers. I easily have 20 stirrers around here somewhere, most are in the $700 and up price range, some much more expensive. I have an OptiMag here somewhere. I use a 30yr old GCA mag-mix because it has a great magnet…but most of all because it is only a 5" diameter footprint.
My lab is built inside my shop, but my office is in my home, where I spend most of my time, which is also where all my gunsmithing and reloading tools/supplies, ham radio equipment, vape gear/e-juice stuff, national/international animal rescue files/forms/stamps, etc. are set up, plus computers/printers/fax machines and other office stuff…I don’t have any room for a cat to fart in here, so space is priceless.
All in all, for $200 you did very well.
Stir bars: Wash your stir bars in vinegar and rinse well. Store them dry when not in use.
Even for e-juice, you should have several sizes in a couple of different shapes. Mainly just egg shape
and octagonal , which work well for e-juice. Simply, larger container/batch= larger stir bar…smaller
container=smaller stir bar…green stir bars are no better than white ones for e-juice, just more expensive.
Egg shape are also called olive shape, in case you run across a deal.
You should have 10 to 20 stir bars anyway. I have mason jars full of them…
I suggest you buy a stir bar retriever rod…but a “must have” is LAB-QUALITY beakers [w/flat bottoms]
They are cheapest by the dozen (of the same size), and you can always use them for shot glasses (small)
cocktail glasses (medium) goldfish bowls (large). Once you start using a stir bar retriever rod you will love it’s value.