Mixer Interviews (Participants Urgently Required)

Anyone else fancy doing the interview post, it has been going really well I am now struggling a bit if you’ve done it and know anyone else who might be interested tag them for me please.



And of any of the folks have questions for any of us im sure a thread could be created for such a thing. PV would be a great interviewee, he is knows his stuff.


Yeah that is a good idea, I could create thread and let them know they can ask away maybe get some new members to the forum not that it needs it, but it would be beneficial for them.

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as do you , i follow all you have to say along with @Pro_Vapes and others his way is something i want to evolve into doing with the higher concentrates but i have to use up my other concentrates first ( a promise made to my significant other )


You interview is up at the moment :wink:

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I made that promise too, i broke it a few years ago. :frowning:

:slight_smile: Hope someone finds something useful in it.


shes allll over me lol but i understand why ive went a little crazy at times with ordering and ordered some things ive never used lol but now im shipping things off to others which will help me get rid of stuff faster shhhhhh she thinks im trading or selling


Sure they will it’s fantastic


I stopped doing the interview posts on DIY mixing and coils or a while, want o get them going again so if anyone is up for it pm me or just comment on this post. PS you dont have to be a mixing genius to take part.