Music Theory

So when will the chimps be writing the complete works of Shakespeare? Though why they would want to do that is anybody’s guess, as Shakespeare appears to have done it already. Maybe they could write something new.


They’re presently toiling away on a revamped “quantum physics for the savvy pre-schooler” curriculum.

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Now that sounds cool. Do they have any ideas about a formula for quantum gravity, or “the measurement” problem?


The other day, one of my more prolific chimps nailed Heisenberg’s thinking, spot-on target: “We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.


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Serious question. Why DO people seem to celebrate ignorance, do you think? Is it because most people are ignorant, and they recognise the similarities, and feel more comfortable with that? Safety in numbers kind of thing. It does appear to be the case, unfortunately. The government and the media thrive on it.


(IMO), because they do not know any better, and attribute temporary comforts to their own doings ? :thinking:

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Yeah. Maybe. Makes sense. Thanks for your reply by the way. See, you can be succinct when you want to. Lol. Peace brother.



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I don’t know how to post pictures, so I can’t respond with one of my own. Not impressed with you over working your staff though. You have them writing as well as typing. He also looks under age. You employing children now? The poor thing doesn’t even know how to hold a pencil properly. They need to organise a union of some sort. Take care my friend. I enjoy our little ‘tete-a-tete’s.’ Stay well.


Your profound concern surrounding the general welfare, including the potential untoward exploitation of, children is deeply appreciated, my friend. Actually, in order to appear somewhat more “youthful” when lurking and occasionally lurching around the farm, I furnished you with my Kindergarten portrait (hoping that you might possibly not notice my somewhat more advanced age). The truth is, I have quite a few years in since, and perhaps a bit more of the “gruffness” that sometimes comes with age. Here then, is my most recent portrait (recorded during a somewhat rare, albeit welcome, moment of mirthful levity):

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I’m going to have to watch what I say to you now. You look scary. I pictured you as being somewhat more ‘refined.’ The mind often distorts reality to fit it’s own picture of the world. I pictured you as a somewhat distinguished gentleman, possibly sporting a monacle and an ebony cane with a sterling silver top. I couldn’t have been more wrong. This just goes to show that one shouldn’t make rash judgements of people. It takes all sorts and I relish that fact. It would be a boring world if we were all the same. I’m going to search out my thesaurus for our next encounter. I think I’ve met my match, and possibly my superior with you. Yet to look at you one would have struggled to believe it. Looks can be very deceiving.


I hope all this knowledge doesn’t stop you actually making some music and have some fun, even if you just noodle a blues with some mates. Most musicians in the rock/blues I know have very little knowledge about the stuff in this thread but hey, I can’t see them not having fun.
Mistakes have sometimes caused the best moments in our jam sessions. Or as Joe Pass said, in Jazz you can’t make mistakes. If you make one it’s up to you to make it sound right with what you play afterwards.


The problem with getting academic about music is that people often see it as an end in itself. It’s not. It’s a means to an end. One shouldn’t be thinking about any of these things when actually playing. Joe Pass (rip) was a fabulous guitar player. His work with Ella Fitzgerald was so beautiful. He could really fly through bebop tunes too. He was certainly no slouch. He said he thinks of music as, Major, Minor or Dominant. That’s it. His ears though, over years of experience, could tell the difference in what type of minor, major or dominant. Pat Metheney is similar in approach. They both started by learning tunes, playing tunes, and learning what they needed to along the way. They both knew all of the technical stuff, they just learned it in a different way.


No worries, I know what you mean but I’m really jealous I never was in the right place at the time to meet a good teacher. I’ve tried a few times, from the old school teacher with the good old German omph tata music, the school band teacher and after school I took some lessons but non of them managed to keep me going for longer than a few weeks. I didn’t have many moments when it really clicked but that’s what I need to keep me motivated. Most stuff I know I learned from jamming and the band rehearsals.


Ouch ! That might (in my case) have caused some serious “hard core emotional scarring”. When I was ~5 years old, I lasted exactly one (or perhaps a fraction of one) parentally forced piano lesson. The “instructor” was intent on my little fingers playing “Chopsticks” (it seemed, “then and there”). Had a major bummer reaction. I still remember the intense traumatic stress of her marmish expectations culminating in a finale moment of frustration, the damn piano keys, and the utterly horrible noise of “Chopsticks”. Refused to ever go back. Parents were cowed. Seriously could have severed musical spirit for life, that - were it not for hearing “Voodoo Chile”, and “Electric Ladyland” for the first time. :face_with_monocle:


And also in fairness ask the subsequent question, “is it OK to get academic about getting academic” ?

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And I shall appear with my usual customary brontosaurus (from Greek: thunder lizard), with much relish.

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Oh that’s totally OK. It’s a question of motivation. If you enjoy the topic - why not? For me it’s just not relevant (enough) and - the main point - reading your posts is sucking the life out of an EFL person. I don’t have that plugin anymore that translates words when you hover the mouse over.


Well, it seems only human that relevance may appear to exist as oft orthogonal to rapture. “EFL” ? :thinking:

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“English as a foreign language”