New Recipe Showcase (2015-2016)

Thank you that’s it

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I’m really digging this one atm, just made up another 100ml tonight, the first 50ml didn’t last long! As I was ‘testing’ :smiley:


Ingredient %
Cherimoya YC (INAWERA) 4.5
Cream Fresh (FA) 0.5
Fuji Apple (FA) 0.25
Greek Yogurt (TPA) 5.5
Pear (INAWERA) 1.25
Pineapple (INAWERA) 1.25
Vienna Cream (FA) 1
White Grape (FA) 0.5

Flavor total: 14.75%

Remember to rate it at!

The longer i attend ELR the more i realize how much more flavors i need to get and how few i really have right now. I see so many interesting recipes all the time and i don’t know where to find the time to mix them all :smile:


same…every ‘amazing looking’ recipe I have seen this week has been “yep…yep…yep…yep…NO!..DAMMIT” lol


Made 7-23-16
Tested 8-20-16

Strawberry-Kiwi pairing is a no brainer. This smoothie base works very well with that pairing. The Cream Whipped FA adds a light fluffy cream feel to this mix.

Steep 3wks… use no heat.

Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie (Gmix)

Ingredient %
(Flavor Base) Strawberry New 5
Cream Whipped (FA) 0.75
Greek Yogurt (Flavorah) 2
Kiwi (FA) 2.5
Liquid Stevia (Pyure) 0.25

Flavor total: 10.5%

Remember to rate it at!

How do you find the Raspberry in that? I had a couple attempts that I noticed the Raspberry quickly tried to become too dominate. Just wondering prior to making this, this coming week.

This isn’t my recipe… I only linked from @lost_in_vape’s reply for easier viewing. I have TPA Raspberry but I don’t use it. Too many better options for Razz.

nods, I have both sweet and regular Raspberry, nice looking recipe though… I need to get Kiwi though.

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I bought it to make one of @Amy’s recipes, but I didn’t adapt it or bookmark it. Now I can’t find it. lol

I see Kiwi and Kiwi double… which did ya get and how do ya like it (or did you do like me… buy it for a recipe then never used it?)?

Kiwi Double is TPA. I bought it and hated it. I have the FA Kiwi which IMO is much, much better from my brief experience with it. I don’t use much TPA at all.

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Thanks, when I look at Kiwi I’ll get it, then make adjustments if I do that recipe.

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Have you tried adding kiwi double tpa 1% to kiwi FA 2%. I find that adds a touch more fullness to the kiwi FA.


I’ve only made 2 mixes with the FA Kiwi so far and liked them both. If adding the double will make it better then I’m for that. Thanks for the tip.

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I wouldn’t say amazeballs. But I always look for front to back fruit vapes. Inhail and exhaul. I always find a missing note on kiwi FA. But the tpa adds an extra green note…not candy, not something, but green.

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I’d love to take a look into your recipe book!


Hahah. I’m as simple as it comes. A borrow from you, from Amy, for Jojo, random Reddit posts, Vu posts, and voilà…my recipie book. I just use the very best from everybody.


Curiosity perked… recipe book?

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No book. I think more of a very very kind comment from pro_vapes. I think it’s more of the same thought we all have of each other from time to time. The occasional desire to look into each other’s repository of notes/recipies/ect.

For instance. Occasionally I think I would love an hour to stair at amy2’s notes file. Some of the random recipies she has shared are just so much fun.


nods… I would love it if the area around here had a “club” of some sort… just to watch others mix and talk. It would most likely get boring after a year or so, but in my mind… it would be fun, as long as the group had a good humor.
Probably what I miss about retiring from the Navy and moving shortly afterwards… no real friends or people I talk to :frowning: