New Recipe Showcase 2018

Awesome! I’d like to see what you come up with. All of those NF are about 2 bucks each at diyvaporsupply. I strongly recommend them.


I need to start using what I have … I know that sounds crazy right ?? Lol , my mixing room is almost complete. When the room is ready I’ll start mixing more consistently.


I can dig it. My 2c if I were to sub with more common flavors, I think Cinnamon Danish Swirl + Cream Cheese Icing LA nice and Low!, LA Cheesecake to replace the NF, and don’t go any higher than .35% on RFSC CC(!), Add a bright, realistic SB should get you there. Just an educated guess on those common flavors. If CDS is heavy on Cinnamon, go really low.


Giving recommendations to sub flavors that you’ve never used with flavors I’ve never used! That’s rich!
@fidalgo_vapes :crazy_face:


I think if the room is half ready it’s time to start mixing. Lol


Yes sir it is time… I have about 120ml of finished juice left so I NEED to start mixing


Btw how you doing,with the FLV

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Good. I have first batch of mixes ready to vape end of next week I hope. I know I just mixed last weekend…so the first batch was two saturdays before that.

I can’t wait, but I am waiting. I mixed up 32 11ml bottles.

The hardest struggle was mixing with smokyblu’s ultra low percents…but I stuck with it.


Ive mixed a few of hers and a couple were good and a couple a bit light on flavor , however she has convinced me to mix a different way then I did b4… I do think her percentages are more precise than the YouTube superstars :wink:


Oh yeah. I have gone way down on lime flv. Lol. But at high percent it has its merits in an ice cream.


What?? :stuck_out_tongue: haha!! such a struggle :wink:
Other folks just have no clue, eh? LoL

Imagine that! Tickled you are learning more and exploring, @fidalgo_vapes… never let the learning stop! Always try to have fun and love what you are doing… and I do have to transport my mixes from my notes to elr, and sometimes they just do not mesh with elr’s findings even still, but I keep trying… not a superstar here… just a legend in my own right :wink:

That Lime is my absolute favorite @Chrispdx… I have major plans for it on this new flavor release too! <3

Hope to have a few new things to show soon, too busy with life atm…


Ty , I agree with you about having fun…since my life has been a rollercoaster ride the last 4 months it been hard to like much . With the new house though and the office/den being made into a vape room im getting excited…


This ones pretty good. Thought I’d share :blush::blush:


Here is my latest share mix. My new years resolution is to post more mixes. Lol…so far not doing well. Update to my orange post coming Christmas…here’s a hint though… Orange Shisha INW, Tangerine Flv, and Orange MF…but I need to do some work to remove orange mf for the general public. Still testings ice cream RF, FA, LB, CAP, and a scratch mix with Flv flavors.


Nah the general public needs to buy the MF orange …i am finally ordering some as well…


I should be able to get the GC from Rainbow Vapes . Will put it on my shoping list :slight_smile: According to my stash, I’m also missing the Sugar Cookie, but I think I just forgot to add it to the stash
Sadly I’m still not organised enough in the new abode to do any mixing. It’s gonna be “fun” finding space! (Strictly speaking , i don’t even have space to prepare food and cook it. I’m still; finding workarounds for that. )


Hope you get settled in and make some space soon!
Yes. RF Sugar Cookie, Graham Cracker and the NF Danish Pastry play very well together. If you can round the missing parts up.

Here’s another from our shared stash that I’m really liking, and it’s super easy. You can almost certainly do this without sweetener, as the Soda Base probably has enough:


My ADV at the moment. 3 ingredient number and tasty as hell.

Besides regular mixing, my pet ongoing project is Looper. It’s bit like chasing your own tail, just as you think you’ve nailed it, you then realise you’re miles off.

I know it’s a bit of a lost cause but am enjoying tinkering with stuff, the hobby aspect of it.
My latest iteration is below. Has to steep properly but is not far off the profile.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

Samuel Beckett

