, I’m new to this website. Looking to get as much advice as I can on making e-cig and just anything having to do with vaping and all. Please message me with any helpful advice, if you have any.
, I’m new to this website. Looking to get as much advice as I can on making e-cig and just anything having to do with vaping and all. Please message me with any helpful advice, if you have any.
Here is a very good place to begin…
Welcome aboard!. As Lolly pointed out, the beginners guide is a great spot to begin with.
Hiya Woahski! Welcome to the site!
Welcome. Enjoy the journey
Welcome to the site. After a lot of searching and resourcing this was the most informative place I could find. I too am new to the site and diy scene nephew. Take as much in as you can, been reading some posts on here and seems like people are here to help us learn.
Welcome and glad you joined.
One of the best things to use in the forum:
Welcome to the site
Welcome to the site. Best one on the interwebs. Lots of great topics and advice. Enjoy.