New Vaping Altar!

I’ve been using clear tackle box trays for those. They are great for portability and traveling but yes, that is annoying.

Wow so envious right now its beautiful :slight_smile:


Hi yall!

I got so tired of playing flavor dominos I started looking for better ways to store my flavors. My wife (seriously love this woman) found some Bino ‘Lips Galore’ lipstick organizers at marshall’s for $8. They fit most 15ml/0.5oz flavor bottles really well and can even accommodate the huge 50mm Amoretti bottles flipped upside down. The only bottles they really do not accommodate are the 1oz Real Flavors bottles. I had to rebottle those. Anyway, they can be bought on Amazon here:

Note they are $13 on Amazon and one of mine was damaged in shipping…it wasn’t a big deal and I used it anyway. So now compare my stash above to this:

One of the cool things is that each tray holds 36 flavors. If you number your flavors 0-9 then a-z you have an index into each tray…I’m really hoping the elr calculator will allow me to attach such a scheme to my stash in the future.

One more thing that may be of interest is that I left an open row of 4 every couple of trays for when I add more flavors. I need a stepstool now for the top row, but this arrangement makes mixing much faster and enjoyable. I hope some folks benefit from this info. If you have any questions, shoot away!

One more thing: Avery 5167 labels fit the 15ml LDPE bottles perfectly. I also cut the labels for the trays from them.


A little CDO goes a long way. Oh and CDO is because I am so OCD that I have to put the letters in order.


I was going to explain how this is a base 36 numbering scheme that I’m using, but then I remembered no one else cared. Haha.

I’m not a math guy but knowing how different number bases (like binary) all work the same way, they just look weird, is interesting to me. I have used many bases in my career and think it’s useful knowledge, but this is the first time I’ve used one for home (and it IS a weird one I admit).

It’s really not hard, if you know how to count to and multiply by 10…you know binary, octal, hex, my flavor numbering scheme, and pretty much all other number bases, most just don’t realize it. That day in the hazy past was an epiphany to me…and enables my only OCD symptom apparently.

400 little tippy bottles will drive a man to great lengths. Haha.


Oh, and even for this I cheated to make it easy, my trays are numbered 1-12, that’s normal base 10. So you really only need to know how to count from 0-9,a-z once. . .

Otherwise tray 10 would be A, 11 would be B, and 12 would be C…see, you guys get it.