I seen that. Not sure i like the pie concept but i bet its tasty
cant beat that Lemon Meringue Tart for the base …
If the finger test told the story this mix is a winner…Unfortunately theres more to it then that but im excited
Didn’t get much sleep last night, couldn’t stop thinking about lemons. salivating and sweating profusely.
So i’m off to a great start i guess
I know you said no rules, but this is a mix-along. Are we to go at this solo, or in teams?
we are a team, it’s team love bruh
oh your in germany? then nevermind
your own recipe…If you want to collab with someone go ahead.
Perhaps Mix-A-Long was the wrong term for this, if so that’s on me as it was my suggestion for the title… Either way there’s no rules and like Fiddy said collab’s are welcome. Just remember whoever post a recipe and links it here in this thread will be entered into the random give-a-way.
Because the give away is random there’s really no pressure at all, just an extra incentive to participate!
While we are waiting for recipes to develop and get posted… any suggestions for a profile to replace Pink Lemonade on the wheel are more than welcome so we can get a better head start on the February Mix-A-Long, and start it on the 1st
i think we are missing Kiwi and Mango…One of these would work well for next one
Perhaps a fig or rhubarb?
so true
I just started on my v1.0 mix tonight after six days steeping and am not regretting it so far,
I have a v2.0 to try after which just has the Cap Lemon Lime 0.5% replaced with FA Pear 1.5%.
Both were mixed at the same time.
I figure that I’ll decide which version to pursue further/adjust after I’ve tried both.
Also, not totally sure about posting this here - I think all the other mix along recipes are in the What RU Vaping/Mixing Today? thread?
Posting here in this Thread is the only way to be entered in the give-a-way at the end of the month!
But only public recipes with the #hashtag will be eligible…
Thank you, Rocky!
I am pretty fussy about whether I think any of my recipes are “ready” for public release but hopefully I’ll be happy enough with some version of it to go public.
I have a thousand recipes on that side (many are revisions, unmixed as of yet, or just plain blaaahh! but have only made one public so far - and that was just mainly so I could be found.
Yeah, I totally understand. And we did get a late start for the January mix-along… just remember that this is not a contest and there is no pressure whatsoever, Just have Fun!