Ogre's Triade The good, the bad and the ugly

That’s probably why you’re doing well. I find your reviews honest and informative and when you say that something’s good, I totally trust that it is.
So far I’ve not been disappointed with anything I’ve bought due to a review of yours.
I’m getting my VXVTech X-RDA later today and somehow I doubt that I will be disappointed with that, she says happily sucking away on the Augvape Intake.
And of course you also look very trustworthy, nobody would guess what you like best for dinner.

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I truly believe you will love the VXV. I went to buy another one and the have went up a lot in price. I’m happy for the maker but the selfish me would have liked to snag another one at a super low price. The bar for atties has really risen in the last couple years. For us on forums like this one we really are fortunate to have so many great reviewers to get the “low down” on stuff. I really want to believe that is one of the forces pushing the bar up. I’ve got a Hugs Vape Lotus coming in today. That is because of other reviewers here.

Ya, my cuisine. I like making people happy. They taste better that way.


Yeah, me too, just not today.