(Possible) Effects of AC Load Power Ripple on Flavor?

It is odd and its a clue as to why you and I both could vape the same juice, same set up…
and still get… different results…

its also body chemistry…


Well, The Buddha (et al) did say that no moment ever repeats - each is entirely unique. But really now, the same mod back and forth on two mods in Power mode set to the same Watts. What I am doing in the testing noted is reducing (not infinitely multiplying) the number of variables. Am trying to crack the “black box” - reductionism as opposed to mysticism … :upside_down_face: … The subjective aesthetics (in the short term) must have some consistency ? This is not a subtle and variable effect. It stares (me) in the face each and every time.


You should if you are just taking your rda off and putting it on something else set to the same settings as older/other mod… be getting close to the taste…

Im wondering for you, if you stick the rda back on the old mod… does it still taste the same as when you had it on, from switching to the other mod? make sense??

I recently discovered yeah check this… Same juice… one with reg nic, one with nic salts, one with zero nic… keep this in mind…

I snagged the simple ex (vandy vape) and I have a pulse rda bf on just a vape storm (cheap mod) and all 3 have their own differences in tastes… and out of it all the zero nic to me now tastes better… not sure if it is because I am on week 3 of no nic at all or? but thought I needed some nic salt this morning… and I was sooo wrong! it did not taste good at all… 3mg same juice on the rda tho… was stout… and the zero was the best…

Flavor comparisons just rule! :stuck_out_tongue:


I should probably know better than to be insufflating my "Frilly Dancing Elfin Gumdrops Magnum Enchantment Juice” - a brew so transcendently ethereal that it defies all explanatory narratives. :thinking:


Wut?! You have "Frilly Dancing Elfin Gumdrops Magnum Enchantment Juice” ?? :flushed:

Just bring some to my :tent: you can use your :helicopter: or a :racing_car: to get over here and let me try this and then I can actually see what it is you are :monkey: messing with :stuck_out_tongue:

btw… your compounds might escape before you get here! :smiley:


Yes, but The Nine firmly require that all devotees first cleanse their chakra channels with a strict diet of "Free Range Non-GMO Corned Beef Shanks” before attempting “omni-dimensional enlightenment”. :yum:

Schematic diagram showing the detailed and intricate inner workings of the Sigelei Mini 30W


I think I like the Nine better than my doctor. Says I can not have any meat that hangs over my hand…
and here I just wanted a big fat rib eye, cooked low and slow on the grill after a good marinade… :smiley:

Me thinks you has digressed on this tho… bounces flavors around like air massages would be good… but atm I am stuck like Chuck with a York peppermint paddy attempting to vape it all before it melts in the heat of my car… vroom vroom! :stuck_out_tongue: