Prickly/spicy taste

I’ve had that happen before with bad PG… maybe experiment with that?


Welcome and glad you joined.
Best plan yet, hang in there.


Welcome to the forum. When I first started mixing I had the same problem as you and it turned out that I wasn’t shaking my nicotine enough before mixing which was causing hot spots in my juice. Now I shake everything well before I use it and I haven’t had the problem since. I am also in the U.K. and buy all of my 72mg nicotine from Nic Hub, I have always found it to be fresh and of excellent quality. I would still follow the advice that others have mentioned above by using the elimination process to pinpoint the exact cause of your problem.
I have just noticed that this is an old thread but I will still post this as it may help someone else.


It does, thank you. Have you tried any nicsalt from Nic Hub?

@SquirrelSmash I’d appreciate your comment ad salt too.


I don’t use nic salts but there are quite a few other people here that do.


I rely on their Malate quite a bit for boozy and fruit blends and do also use it as part of a hybrid I make with their freebase. I’ve used their Benzoate when others ask for a Salt blend and all seem to regard it as very smooth. I haven’t used their Salicylate.