Probably not a new question, but: Search by *number* of ingredients?

As stated: I am pretty sure this has been asked before, but I really would like to have the option of searching recipes by number of ingredients/aromas. Many, many recipes have a lot of aromas in them but I am not interested in having this ginormous aroma stash but prefer to keep it rather simple. But every time I search for recipes based on my stash it takes forever to look through the search results (and yes, I know how to take a peek at the ingredients list :slight_smile: ), so I give up after just a few peeks.

Is this possible? I guess it’s not since this is not implemented, but nevertheless, now I’ve asked… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback.

This wasn’t implemented until you wrote this post. It’s hidden for now, but you can add ?fcount=3 to the URL to show only recipes that contain 3 ingredients. The reason that it’s hidden for now, is that I need to figure out how to present it, and also pass it along to the pagination code (if you navigate to another page or even sort, the fcount= parameter disappears and you’re presented with everything again).

Happy vaping!



Uuuuh, how neat! Thank you so much ( or should I say “tak”? :wink:)!
No one ever asked for this before? How weird…

Vape on! (or in Danish: “Op med dampen”!)


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Oh, a Dane! :smiley:

Det er blevet forespurgt før, men ikke på dén side, tror jeg… // It’s been requested before, but not on that particular page, I think :slight_smile:

I hope you’ll find it useful! Happy vaping!

Make it persistent in the $_SESSION then check that session variable in the SQL query when searching? Then a box at the top that allows you to enter the number of flavours with a default of unlimited.

You are awesome!

Thank you! That’s an awesome feature, especially for new diy vapers.

Some of the top recipes are very intimidating because of the number of flavors and may discourage people who want to get into diy. There are so some excellent 2-4 flavor recipes but I couldn’t have discovered them until I added my flavor stash.

My suggestion is to add this user input as min/max fields for number of flavors.