Pugsley's almost downright bang on review of the Laisimo L3 Touchscreen Mod

Another riveting review Pugs! I actually do have this mod already because I won it in one of the great giveaways from @June and Gearbest! I just wanted to say that I have had this mod for about 6 weeks or so by now and I do use TC mode exclusively and this mod does it perfectly! Also, I did not download the app to my phone as I could not see the need to either! But even so, I have yet to find something that I do not like about this mod! It’s great, and thank you so much for another fine review!


That’s the very three I was going to suggest also. Vapingunderground would possibly be the best to start with

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AWESOME, I forgot about Vaping underground, I have joined now but I need to message them as I don’t think they allow links to other forums but I’ll check, I’ll have a look at reddit too, I’m banned from ECF so they can kiss my ass :slight_smile: lol, thank you dear, most helpful :+1:

I have one but I never use it, I try and keep this separate from my private/personal stuff but I’ll take a look at maybe starting a different one?

same thing as above, again maybe I could start a separate one just for this?..
All great ideas. thanks guys
AWESOME! :ok_hand:


AWESOME!! thank you! :wink: and it’s great to see that you like it as much as I do, I’m currently running a couple of super claptons in it right now at 0.08 ohms and max 200w, and it’s coping admirably, I too can’t find any fault with it what so ever!

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There is also Planetofthevapes, but I guess you’re already in, being uk based and all. If you don’t want to link up in the forum, you can always try their Facebook group.


Yeah I am, i’ll take another gander at it, forums are really iffy about you posting links to other forums, especially with links to the company it is from, I really need my own site I think :thinking:


Your own site would be the best - and probably a gold mine if you make room for some ads. :+1:

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Hahahahaha! Spot on, visuals are awesome, very descriptive, will read again! :wink:

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pugsville.com is already registered but pugstown.com isn’t…


I already own steampugs.co.uk :wink::+1:


Thank you kind sir :wink::+1:

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There are a few regional forums, I think. Aussievapers and Ecigssa come to mind. Perhaps I can set you up for a review or two, I’ll ask around :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Keep it up, mate! Your reviews are good fun!


So do it then,get on youtube and do some reviews aswell as on here.you know you,ve got all our support.go for it,you dont know if you dont try.

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Yeah its been said dude, but my style, and what I do best only really works in written format, videos are EVERYWHERE you know, its been done to death, if people get a kick out of what I’m doing now then I think that’s awesome and I’ll stick to the format :wink::+1: Lol. I just need more People to see em


And they will my friend :wink:


with Neo on my side dude I’m very confident :wink: …think I’m gonna take the red pill :grin:


Check if anyone owns buttpugs.com. If for nothing other than the comedy value


I second that!.


lmao, think I’ll stick to Steampugs for no other reason than I might just get some very odd enquiries for things I have no intention on selling :flushed: lmao


I think @DrChud just wanted to read your reviews of the products that that website would talk about lol