Pugsley's almost downright bang on review of the Laisimo L3 Touchscreen Mod


you guys :rolling_eyes::blush:


Great review,
Just tried out Gearbest for a tank and some coils. hopefully delivery not to long


It’s about a week…10days I think…not 4 months like Fasttech anyways :+1:

Thanks for the compliment too dude :wink:

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Have you tried the Whiteout User Group on FB, they might allow some reviews? I am in the Rebuildable Tank Association group group but they only fool with the high end stuff only like Scottua and Asylum so that group is out. That’s about all I know besides just plugging it in at Youtube…

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I’ll check it out thanks BB :wink:

As mentioned above, get yourself an account on Reddit and start posting to /r/ECR. Though keep in mind that the community there is much less forgiving than it is here. Stay clear of ecr_eu and ecr_uk, they’re toxic pits of dickmeasuring.
There are plenty of other forums out there like ECF and UKVapers, but most don’t allow you to post your reviews right away and will have a minimum post/account age requirement.

Secondly, an Instagram account definitely helps. Handchecks, daily carry, ridiculous cloudbro selfies, it all works. Tag the vendor/manufacturer, they like to be kept in the loop and it helps people find them.

Thirdly, get yourself a Wordpress set up on your domain and start blogging. Host your images on Imgur to keep bandwidth usage down, and make sure you have security of the website down to the bits.
Alternatively you could reach out to other reviewers with a website and become a featured reviewer. I’ve been asked quite a few times but never took the plunge because I like to keep an open schedule.

Last but not least, stay honest and don’t get into reviewing because “free stuff”. People will catch on to it and eventually punish you for it. Written reviews are a very different ballgame from YT reviews, the feedback is a lot more direct and can get a lot more personal very quickly. The funny gifs go down well here because of the relaxed atmosphere this forum embraces, other forums are not so friendly about those things.

I hope that helps.



You, sir have just skyrocketed in my estimation !
SOME reviewers MIGHT have looked at a future “competitor” reviewer and taken the opposite tack from the supportive, helpful and downright friendly and valuable advice you have given. You see Pugwash as a colleague, not a competitor and that is rare in ANY field where more established gives such valuable insight to a fledgling !
Kudos Bro !


You’ve got a PM, Pugs.


Dude, that’s…really nice of you :grinning:, I actually tagged you in the thing above originally but then thought you might not appreciate it so I took it out, I stand corrected, you’re a stand up guy and the advice you’ve given me there is awesome thanks :+1: Like @Kalahariuk said, you just went way way up in my estimation :wink:.
I have already joined Reddit, posted them up yesterday and after reading what you told me I quickly scrambled to make sure I posted them on the right one, I did thankfully, but just links. I noticed pretty much instantly that other forums are most definitely NOT like this one :flushed:, distinct lack of love shall we say lol, POTV looks promising I am currently talking to the owner about possibly being an official reviewer on there, Vaping underground were pensive but I’ve got a couple up there and a handful of people have ‘liked’ them, UKvapers is confusing, took me forever to get my account activated and now that I have, and have the blessing of the admin for my reviews, I can’t even find where to post anything lol :angry:, I think the gist is, as long as I spend a bit of time on the forums contributing in some way (no matter how dirty that feels…) then they seem to be cool. Haven’t had any bad feedback yet but I am expecting it at some point, I know what a hostile place the tinterwebz can be. So far I have been lucky and only had good stuff to review and I admit, when I first started this venture my attitude was ‘well I need to give a good review or they wont want me to do any more’ I felt like I was selling it for them rather than reviewing it for the masses, I can see how easy it is to fall into that mindset, but I’ve since discovered how wrong that is and honesty is most definitely the key. Anyway…thanks again for your valuable advice it is very very appreciated, I don’t know how far I want to go with this yet and how much of my time I want to devote to it but opportunities are slowly opening up and some people are offering to help me in ways I didn’t see coming. Cheers dude :wink::+1: at this point I’m just rolling with it.


I don’t see any reason to try and put him down, I’d rather see someone take reviewing seriously and succeed in their endeavour to help people quit smoking. Pugs obviously has a good way of handling his reviews and it looks like he has the right mindset, so why not help him?
In fact I’ll take a step further; I’ll send him a PM later on and hook him up with a contact of mine that is looking for more reviewers.

No worries, man. I’ll be in touch later today :wink:


woh…dude…what can I say.
legend. :open_mouth:
Thank you.
Speak to you later man.


Wot He Said