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Cant remember the last time I read that …gettin miserable in my old age …
Too damn funny. Seriously, this is just beyond laughable
I’ll get these and put them next to my band logo embossed Iron Maiden RDTA in the Copyright Infringement Vape Hall of Fame.
And funny azz review man!
Thanks man 🖒 great idea lmao
Another fantastic review. Thanks Pugs
nice one Eddie 🖒
you sir…are entirely welcome
And may i also take this opportunity to say…thank you…you fabulous bastard.
I’ll say it again… Great review @Steampugs and I agree when you say:
I would be tempted by these if it didn’t remind me of batman/spidey…
And they could have just named it “The Bestest Fastest Mod To Date”.
Thanks again for your (quite entertaining) reviews.
Thank you very much my little grey friend
Nice one bud! glad you got a laugh out of it