I Need some Advice, I Recently got a Joy-E-Tech 150 W Cuboid. I Bought the UWell Rafale with it. I didnt seem to have any problems first day or two, However I Started getting burnt hits after awhile. I Chalked it up to a funky coil which can happen sometimes, but I’ve gone thru 5 coils in the 13 days that I’ve had it. I Could deal with that as long as I Can Vape at the Wattage I’d like to Vape at. I’ve been told that the Tank can withstand up to 120 w, I’ve also been told by a friend who also use the tanks that they Vape Religiously at 70 w with no problems. My Problem is I Havent been able to Vape past 45 w, Actually Havent been able to since Day 2.
Everytime I Try and push it a bit (50+ Watts) I Maybe get one OK Rip, then It just Burns. Im Sure Most of you know what that taste and Feels like, but It Isn’t Pretty. It’s 10x Worse than lighting your Cigarette Backwards. I’ve gone thru alot of Coils, but Starting to think that isn’t the problem. I Tried Temp Mode (210 'c) That Burned Worse. I Just dont know what to do. My E-Cig Shop Doesn’t really have an Answer for me either, Im not blaming them either, Heck Its a Fairly new Tank for them too, So It’s Trial and Error for everybody I guess. Im Just a bit Frustrated that Everyone but me seems to have no Problem Vaping past 40 W.
I Would GREATLY appreciate any Suggestions, Feedback, or Advice! Thank you in Advance!
What juice and what pg/vg ratio.
And fwiw, I find it laughable, but I know the crown owners typically baby their coils/cotton at low wattage for atleast the first couple of hours so they get more use/longevity out of them, likely due to issues youve described.
Dont own one to be certain, just trying to help.
Thanks, Yeah I use mainly high VG Juices, Im not really sure what the exact ratio is though. I Go to a Shop that has quite frankly the best juices I’ve ever tried. They dont really get cloudy, or dark. I Also dont Vape Flavors that tend to get darkened like the Bakery/Cream Flavors. I mainly stick to Fruity Stuff (NJOY Hedon’s Bite, Granny Smith Apple,Miso Juicy from Dripnotic, Concord Grape, Tropical Flavors like Pina Colada…) Not really sure what’s going on with it. the Frustrating thing is NOBODY else seems to be having this problem! Im gonna go to the shop today after work and have them help me solve it. Way too Expensive to be going thru 6 Coils in 13 Days. (Most Recently 3 in 4 days) Also, If the Tank can withstand up to 120 w or 305’c It shouldnt be burning with less than a 1/3 of that
Fwiw after I posted that I noticed an active rafael topic here
Try taking a new coil and juice it up from the top until the cotton on the sides start to look wet, then add about 3 drops to each hole, screw it into the base and tank. Fill tank let sit for about 5 minutes, start out at about 25watts or as low as you can go and it puts off vaper, then slowly start increasing wattage until you reach your disired wattage.
you’re going through the priming process slow and steady, right? I always mix a preemptive dry hit in here and there with the air holes mostly closed, on my Arctic/iStick just to avoid the dry-hit-of-death. So far so good.
I did try using my IJust2’s tanks with those .2 ATOM gold coils in them on my new Eleaf iStick 100w and I had similar problems. Those tanks allow for SO much air and such big hits though. Just airy as hell and wonderful on their native battery…they just weren’t meant for that much power. I have to do a dry hit every 3rd hit or so if I use those tanks to keep from getting killed.
INFINITELY worse than the old backwards ciggy trick.
Thanks for your feedback, I’ve been trying less Airflow, and that seems to be helping a bit… Yet Still Im Not getting the desired Coil Life. I’am Priming it well too, and letting it sit 10 minutes. I Will Try Starting it very low and gradually working my way up. Well, Regardless of the outcome I Appreciate the Feedback from everyone! Worst Case Scenario Im Just going to give up on the rafale altogether and grab the SMOK TFV4
I am ALL OVER the TFV4 come this payday. I am going to also get it as the full kit (comes with a rebuildable deck option, some top drip discs, extra gaskets, extra tank glass…maybe 1-2 other things) as opposed to just the tank. It was like $7 more dollars I think. I am a little concerned with the recurring cost of those big ass coils, but I will be trying my hand at deck building here very shortly, so that elminates the concern there. Just trying to keep costs down. If I can vape out of a tank but make my own juice and coils…I think that will just about economize my vaping habit about as much as possible.
Be nice to be able to just put tanks together too while I am at it. I don’t need anything with flashing lights or anything…just one that functions reliably.
Being the TFV4 has a 5mL (mine is like 2.5mL’s right now) tank and is top fill, so long as it doesn’t LEAK, I will be in heaven. Nothing is guaranteed though. Seems like every single tank review, no matter how awesome or expensive the tank, there are always a few people who swear the tank is utter garbage. Kills me, as it makes decisions difficult for me, and I KNOW that a lot of those people are simply ignorant and not doing something right, which is why they have problems and why they hate the tank.
Cut a couple of bottles of liquid with 4% distilled water, shake the hell out of the bottles, wait two days and see if the juice is still burning. To me you are throwing an awful lot of wattage at those coils but you could just have a bad tank. With high VG, high wattage does some goofy things to liquid.
Problem Solved!!! Thank for all our Input, The ‘O’ Ring Around the Main Tank Chimney was loose and wasnt going down into the base flush. Thus, It wasn’t properly creating the negative airflow which in turn made the tank not only leak but not suck juice into the coil the right way! Im So Happy I Got this Figured out. I Replaced the O Ring and happy to say im on day 3 of same coil and going strong~! So Atleast if anyone EVER has this issue with this tank, that is most likely your problem.