That grape soda and flv grape might be a good investment… I will have to add those to my next order
Just added both to my shopping cart!!
How goes the quest? I did give this a shot last weekend sorry i didnt reply about my results but i was sadly disapointed… just about pourred it down the drain… tried FLV grape and man that stuff is potent… i only tried one recipe but plan to expirament a bit more with it soon… that stuff flv grape needs to be used under 1% i think its way strong and over powered the watermelon to where i didnt even taste it… I have a love hate relationship with Grapes lol so this is a dificult one for me
Sorry for the late response!! She finally received all of the supplies and after I finally walked her thru setting up her ejuice calculator she finally got to work. I don’t recall the exact recipe she went with but I do know that she used the FW grape soda, Fw watermelon, FW extreme ice and FW hard candy. She said it wasn’t just like Vapor’s Knoll Grapermelon Chill but she was pleased with it and it was yummy. Thanks to everyone that offered advice and tips. All of the help was greatly appreciated!!
Glad to hear! I still have a few irons in the fire but I’m getting married in 45 days so things are a little hectic lol