Senior Vapors

Which is nice if your discussing the extraction using tobacco leaves, while I stated that the caution needed to be observed if the extraction was being dome with cigarettes. There are some people I’m sure whom may read the extraction of products and say to themselves that if they could do it with tobacco or tea, then they could do the same thing with a standard pack of stinkies. That is all I was attempting to point out.


59 years old
Smoked for 46 years most of that time 2 to 3 packs a day. Started vaping December 2014 and have been cigarette free now since around February 2015. Diagnosed 15 years ago with COPD and tried everything to quit but never could until vaping. Figured out very early on that DIY ejuice was going to be a must do thing for me to control the cost of vaping.


An empty syringe with nothing but air will do the trick as well.


And it is cheap! :grinning:


[quote=“Josephine_van_Rijn, post:16, topic:27893, full:true”]…Joined this site in march because there was a giveaway… been here ever since because it’s such a nice crowd to hang out with.

You got that right! I’ll take the ELR group over all the rest, 8 days a week :smile:


This. Then add a year, and a leap year… then jump through the stargate.


Hey Doug, Welcome from the Western side of the state. DIY is a blast and I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Let us know how your tobacco extraction comes out. I also experiment a lot with tobacco flavors, and you should look at some of @Jimk recipes. Tip: Use stainless steel for your coils, you won’t believe the flavor difference.


Hi Prof. Thanks for the welcome. The extraction process is in the 3rd, and last, round of the slow cook stage. Then I can start the straining part of the process. I didn’t plan on getting into NET this early in DIY, but the more I read about it, I found that I already had everything I needed, right here, so why not give it a whirl? I’ll definitely check out Jim’s recipes, thanks. I haven’t done any coil winding yet, but I’m sure that’s not far down the road, so thanks for the SS coil tip. I’m actually thinking a drip set up would be useful for easier testing of my mixes, compared to my present tank set up. My son in law is a big dripper, mod, coil winding fan. So I can hit him up for some parts, so I’ll put your SS coil tip to use soon, I’m sure.


2nd Amendment Advocate “CARRY ON” retired! but still run a small business from my home.


I’ll be 61 in October and I plan to take early retirement in a year. (I’m obsessed with Harry Potter movies lol). I also mix my own and its really exciting to meet another “older” vaper who does the same. I have diy’d my own juice for over a year now and if I must say so myself I’m pretty damned good at it. My sis will only vape the Caramel Macchiato I make for her, and a friend that I got started vaping doesn’t like to buy juice because he says mine is always better. But enough of that. I sub ohm, have 2 30w Isticks, a 50w IStick and an Eleaf IJust 2 and vaping saved my life. I smoked a little over a pack a day for 33 years. I was sick all the time, coughed, wheezed incessantly and rattled when I breathed. I called it a death rattle because I seriously though I would die soon. I had pneumonia twice a year and was diagnosed with COPD. I started vaping because I adore my grandchildren and truly want to see them grow into the beautiful and intelligent people they have the potential to be. I started out with a little Ego and a C4 over a year ago and loved it. Now I feel energetic, don’t wheeze, don’t cough, and my doctor is stunned at the change in my health. He just shakes his head and says “Vape On!” lol.
So nice to meet older vapers as most of the ones I meet online are way younger.


Being somewhat stereotyped as SENIOR shouldn’t imply, even now the majority of us feel better since being tobacco free. I’m a year younger, same neck of the woods, quit a year earlier, and started tobacco use the same age. Times change; remember smoking with the teachers while the principal strolled past? Only fond memories of laboring in the tobacco fields were spent with the one I married.


Sounds like you’re “primed” to enjoy the “short rows” in life! (only folks who worked on a farm will get those puns) :wink: but those days taught us a few things about how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life! Character building, for sure…


Who isn’t? lol

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I remember being layed up in in an army hospital ward at 17 (I was an army brat), and my father bringing me in a carton of Camel raw dogs (filterless). The good ol’stinky days where you smoke in your bed in a hospital… lol


Good job there Prof. A bit younger but I got yer back. Some nice kit there. Good luck. :smile:

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HI nice collection which mod do you prefer i have the mvp3 pro and its a good mod

i am 41 by the way


I like the mvp3, but if the Sig 150 was the size of the mvp3, that would be my favorite.

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While I’m not what you’d call a senior just yet, I did hit the half century mark on Saturday. First birthday of my life I felt kinda crappy about the age I am. Then I started thinking about how much wiser I am as opposed to when, in my faintest memory, I was full of vitality and all that jazz. So yeah, I’m seasoned…or steeped as it were :slight_smile: But I’d rather be smart than strong, patient than tough, joyful than exuberant, thankful than privileged. These are attributes fully realized by age and experience, and with luck are a blessing to my grandchildren.


I must of been dropped on my head too many times when I was young… I’d rather be strong, tough, exuberant and privileged… lol… oh well, those years were a nice time g


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! As I recall, 50 was a little depressing for me too. You’re looking at it the right way so here’s to many more years of gaining wisdom. Vape On :smiley: