SMOK XCube II and TFV4 Giveaway!

I usually don’t prefer banana vapes but this one turned out great. Just the right consistency.

Holidays will be here soon. And Chocolate is the hardest to get right. Here is one I have been working on. Real close. A touch of mint may be all it needs. Steeped in an ultrasonic 3 times @ 30 min. each @ 125 F. with a 30 min break , stirring with a milk frother for a min. in between.

Cherry Cordial

This recipe seemed weird when I started mixing it but its totaly my ADV now for a month or so. As a shake and vape its a very sweet and buttery apple but as it cures the apple moves to the background and the butter rum starts to take over and smoothes out about a month in. I highly suggest mixing it in large quantities and its an excellent high-temp vape.


I had the same feeling about this as I did when chocolate flavour crisps came out but for some reason it’s delicious :yum: nuts and menthol will never work, will it?

Heres my contribution. Its not really a gross recipe, its actually the best orange cream I have ever had let it steep for 3-7 days and its yummy. Good orange cream is impossible to come by so I thought this would get me an entry.

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Very Acid recipe, tastes good only 1 day :smiley:
Try on your own risk.

Apple Candy (TPA) 3
Cola Syrup (TPA) 7
Energy Drink (TPA) 2
Pineapple (TPA) 3

seems odd to me but tastes not bad

Heres my shot at it with my first entry

Here is my go at it. I don’t know why, but that crispy bacon adds. It just adds!

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Ok. I’ll play… here’s a summer fun one. PUcker up, buttercup… tis REAL lemony, not the candy flavor.:smile:
Icy Lemon Tango

Ok, that’s the first one where I really raised my eyebrow :smiley:

  • 3% Marshmallow TFA
  • 2% Toasted Marshmallow TFA
  • 4% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream TFA
  • .5% airy Milk TFA
  • .5% Rice Crunchies TFA
  • 1% Key Lime TFA
I submitted this recipe on It's intersting, the lime cuts the sweetness. I've really enjoyed it.

I reckon any recipe for juice thats got bacon in it is WEIRD plus! But I’m not sure this recipe is eligable, as I havent made it yet & havent come across it exactly like this before. It is on my ‘to do’ list but I’m having trouble getting hold of the bacon - it seems we only fry it in australia. So @daath, if its not appropriate, please pull it.
I see there are a couple of bacon lovers here, so, If it is appropriate & someone wants a crack at it, go right ahead! I’ll be keen to hear how you go!


Here is my blend… groooovy peachy!

Citrus and cream should curdle. Nope, not with this recipe. FNQ = Far North Queensland… very tropical.

All flavours from the same place and not too hard to make. Surprised me positively.

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My Unicorn, or lack thereof.

I have been dicking around with this since March. Tried serveral different ingredients. TPA Egg Nog, TPA Cheesecake along with sweet cream gave my first attempt a sweet spaghetti flavor! WTF. Youll see from my notes and timestamps that I was unsuccessful in my attempts to recreate my favorite juice of all time, Colossus by Cyclops Vapor.

I have given up. So this is my entry for this contest.


Your rep is private!! Anything with strawberry in it I like to try! Let me know if you open it up! Thanks

Storm Trooper, because I’ve tried things like cherry flavored tobacco when I smoked, and it was always awful, so I didn’t hav very high hopes for this one. But I was bored and went for it, and I gotta say it was not too bad at all!