SmokyBlue's One Shot Reviews

Lmao!!! Fish I am tickled you are enjoying them!!
OMG!!! :stuck_out_tongue: yeps that one is a morning fav of mine… I make sure I don’t run out :wink:

I do think I need to up my avocado game plans tho… I am def in the mood! :partying_face: :sunglasses: :crazy_face:


I think it’s gonna be an evening vape for me…I often get cravings for coffee in the evening but can’t have any or I won’t sleep lol this will scratch that after dinner coffee itch quite nicely I think… but I’ll try it with my morning coffee tomorrow too lol


It’s good anytime, Fish… I keep my coffee pot going all day.
but that omg tends to become an empty bottle real fast! :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, I finally have a moment where my thoughts are in order and I also have a spare second lol so here are the reviews of the last few juices I got from @anon84779643

First up is the peanut butter cups 2, I tested it first on my tsunami rda with a single parallel 27g coil at 35 watts, it seemed like it wanted just a little more wattage so I filled my ram squonker with it and screwed the hermetic on top with a 2x26/38 fused clapton, the mouthfeel on this recipe is spectacular…I get all the texture and flavor of a Reese cup minus the slight grittiness of the peanut butter. To be honest it almost comes off like a Reese pie, where you have smooth peanut butter and chocolate coating your mouth, it’s super rich and spot on to what it is intended to be, I will probably be ordering the flavors for this one too, and I don’t have any of them lol.


Next up is omg og, and this flavor really lives up to its name… long story short it’s like taking a sip of a latte right after you dunked a cake donut into it, this one seems to like being below 50 watts so I have been vaping it on my ammit 22 mtl rda with a parallel 28g nichrome coil around .55 on a mech squonker and it’s fantastic. This one doesn’t have 10,000 flavors like the other recipes so it is for sure on the next flavor order, four flavors and a no brainer, just try it and see if you say omg after your first puff like I did lol.


To break up the monotony of me gushing over these recipes I’ll stick this one here.

I really like this honestly, but I don’t get any form of rice crispy or rice crispy treat off of it, but what I do get is a golden sweetness and some malty grainy notes, maybe like the powder at the bottom of a rice crispy bag mixed with a little butterscotch ice cream syrup? Idk, I tried it anywhere from 30-90 watts and it tasted the same all the way up the power scale, good but not what I had hoped it would be, cereals always seem to elude me other than @SessionDrummer Golden Grahams lol


Onto the last on the list that I have mixed and vaped, the twisted fried pretzels…this is by far my favorite that I have tried and I already have the flavors in my cart ready to click purchase later tonight once I finalize what else I need. Go to your local auntie Anne’s pretzel place when it reopens and get A cinnamon sugar pretzel that’s still warm and soft from the oven, brush off all the extra sugar that’s coating the outside of it and eat it…was it good? Then try this juice lol because that is exactly what it tastes like, a sweet soft cooked pretzel dough with a light hint of cinnamon, for a bakery lover like myself it’s like nectar from the gods lol. This juice likes power, I’m vaping it on quad core Clapton’s around 80-85 watts and the flavor sings, it was good at lower wattages but really fills out gets richer with more power behind it, I’m a fan:)


Well thanks very much for that @Fishaddict420. I happen to have 7ml of that in the tank right now !!!


I am hoping next week, will release some new shots… depends on how far I get! :slight_smile:




Next few days… I got slammed for a moment! :slight_smile:


Stay away from Smokey’s one shots!!! I bought 5 of them around a month ago and now my wallet is $95 lighter…but I do have a ton of new flavorah flavors in my stash, $95 worth to be exact lol just received my last order yesterday, I can now officially make the corona-ou812, twisted fried pretzels, and omg og, I’m gonna order the flavors for the peanut butter cups on my next flavor order but I’m waiting to try the peach Bellini first so I know if I need the flavors for that too lol…


And to think… I have released a few newer recipes and have a few more to come out…
I need to get some more shots up on site… soon!! Just been super busy… Yes, I am trouble! :slight_smile:

Tickled you are enjoying the shots, @Fishaddict420:smiley:


@anon84779643 …, How much liquid do I add to this shot?


Which shot did you ask for and what showed up?
I have sent a few others shots now too… but it should say on the package what size it is.

match it to the bottle, shake and pour… then add your base and nic. Super easy! :slight_smile:


Ohh Mann…, I can’t wait to try these out…, they smell sooo wonderful…, I’ll be sure to put a review up here for them after they’re done steeping…, @anon84779643 , what kind of liquor did u use in this?.. Bourbon I think… if my nose doesn’t fool me :thinking:


@St3v0, @anon84779643 LUVS da Bourbon !!!


I’m betting that’s what it is…, it smells so damn good tho…, Idk if I can give it a full weeks steep…, my birthday’s this weekend and she made this replica of my bday cake for me and I just might try it then…, I hope it’s ok…, I would bother Smoky & ask her, but I’ll just keep from bugging her anymore… I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t burn up 120ml in a day😥, then I’ll just let the bottle sit for a couple more days & try it out


I can honestly say… there is zero bourbon in either mix. :slight_smile:

The 2 mixes were custom requests and I did things a touch different for both. I stepped outside my normal toss togethers and yes, I have the juice going here too :slight_smile:

Congrats St3v0!!! I sure hope you can figure out the recipes lol :partying_face: Happy Birthday!!


Lmao :laughing::rofl: not even gonna try!!