Funny. I was picturing more…
/giant SEG
Funny. I was picturing more…
/giant SEG
Do you prosecute Moral Terpitude ? There is one character who I’ve had in mind for a very long time:
Wait a minute, I know that dude…ohhhh shit
Sometimes suspect has been seen surreptitiously colluding with a certain pint-sized accomplice (right):
Perhaps many of us (self included) may find ourselves in one (or possibly more) of these archetypes:
I must be the “tyrannical pipsqueak”
Interesting that the central element in the Matrix of Employee Bliss is “The Mere Cog In The Machine”.
That’s funny, I almost picked that one.
Feel free to “check all that apply”, Danbo.
Thanks again, fellas and fellettes.
I almost flagged this thread, just to check the new warden’s response time.
Nahhh I’ll cut some slack.
Congrats @anon70102222!
Yeah, I was just getting to know him myself
ETA: Just kidding Phil. Congrats on your new found responsibilities. R-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-t-y. Did ya get that?