I have recently moved to SS and spent some time reading up on contact vs spaced after being advised on the Cream Crave facebook site. All agreed with Zagz about the fluctuating resistance using SS in tc. I am using single 317l 26g at .4ohm vertical coil at 48w and 420F. I prefer the flavour when using dual .4ohm coils but had a job keeping up with recharging batteries and making juice. I think the flavour using SS surpasses any other wire I have tried.
OK…coils for the velocity style deck…Looking for flavor and have seen videos of a variety of builds…I typically have built single coil builds…Dragon Coil inside posts?..Vertical coil/slanted outside posts ?..Horizontal Coil splitting the uprights (posts)?..Which do you experienced builders prefer for flavor production?..Suggestions?
What would you like to know?
While I wait on that answer, let me give you a rundown of what I’m doing.
Most tanks I build dual 22ga Titanium. Always spaced.
Aromamizer, Ohmega, TFV4 (TF-R2), all get 6.5 wraps on 2.5mm ID.
Griffin, Moonshot, Diablo all get 6.5 wraps on 3mm ID.
When I’ve built with SS it’s been varied and with success. I’ve built with twisted 26ga 316L, standard spaced and contact using 316L and 317L, and I’ve outfitted a couple of single coil RTAs with it as well, all ran great on the DNA. Where I’ve had the most trouble with SS in TC is with non-DNA mods.
Thank you and that covers it all for the most part. I have had great success until recently with 22 Ti as well.It seems Unkamen has went and changed wire suppliers and now I can’t get his wire to work.I have recently been trying Ti from Lightning Vapes and so far so good.
Have you had to source any Ti lately and if so I would love to know where?
The SS I have had issues with all along ,I have only used 316L and have been using the file for that.It works but I find that I get a better vape from running in strictly power mode as the ohms seems to change often and will result in the T/C kicking in and getting a very weak vape.
The past few days I have tried different builds using mainly contact coils but I am going to try spacing them to see if that helps.The SS wire I have been using is from Lightning Vapes, I have had better luck with it than wire from Unkamen and Wotofo.
Thanks again for the help!
No, last purchase of 22ga Ti has lasted me a good long time because I’ve been cleaning and reusing coils. Funny, just last week I rebuilt several tanks one day just for the hell of it. Nothing really needed to be changed but they were getting to the point I couldn’t get them back to a bare metal look. They stayed black. Anyway those builds lasted me from Jan 2 till just the other day. I rebuilt 2 Aromamizers, a Griffin, Lemo, TF-R2 and Moonshot. Used maybe 18" off my roll and still have probably 15’ left. So it’s going to be a minute before I need to by again. Sorry to hear that about Unkamen’s Ti wire. Did you contact him? I’ll be he’d like to know this. At the same time suppliers shouldn’t matter if it’s truly grade 1.
Never a problem with my SS from Unkamen either, but I’ve not used it that much or often. Well let me say no problems with the DNAs. Plenty of issues with the other mods I have that will do SS. I’ve basically decided not to use SS again for TC since I’ve been so happy with Ti. Only if I just was bored or whatever. It’s a good wire for power mode though, no doubt about that.
I did and got the same response as @Pro_Vapes , Unkamen said it was the same wire. PV was the first to notice the problems with the wire.
The wire I got from him would show the correct ohms as grade 1 but it would gain in resistance the more it was used and that would throw out the T/C.At first I blamed it on the cold winter temps but after spring’s arrival I discovered that it is a wire issue.
I will try and find the thread that PV started back a couple of months ago.
Unkamen Titanium Wire?
I missed that thread PV made. I’m going to reply over there on that thread…so check that out. It may help…it may not.
Funny how this thread about SS has turned into a lot about Ti.
I enjoy using 316L in my RDA’s on my temp control mods. I run dual spaced 26ga 316L, 3mm 9 wrap, ohms out to around .32, vape at around 440-470 degrees. I enjoy a somewhat cooler vape and I find the flavor to be very good.
I appreciate every ones’ input…Thank you all…
I think this will be a repeat question. On a 316ssl build can you run that safety in power mode?
Yes I run all my ss on power mode
I run my SS in power mode too.
Odd question. Why do a lot of the online retailers not carrying stainless steal wire?
Reasons I can see. Most mods didn’t support SS for TC until recently and many still don’t. You can use SS in power mode, but I’m not sure how much market demand there was for it. Also, cost as there are many varieties in SS. Kanthal, Nichrome, Nickel and Titanium you just have to stock the variety of sizes. SS you have the variety of alloys as well : 304, 316, 316L, 317L, 430, etc. Multiply that by all the sizes too and it can be quite an investment with many varieties not selling very well. It’s just recently that many mods are starting to support 316L as a standard which makes it easier on retailers.
The reason dealers don’t stock SS wire?
I think they stock what sells the most/what people buy more of. SS lasts a long time so people don’t buy it as often.
For the very best flavor, I like duel Clapton coils vertical in my Aromamizer 2.0 mm inside diameter. I make as many wraps as I can that will fit without causing a short- usually 7 wraps. I will put a thin layer of cotton or silica between the post and my coil to help eliminate shorts. I’ve never used software to pre-calculate final ohm output. I just try my best to make my ohms at least .3 or .4. If they come out .25 or higher, I use them. Flavor seems to be best at about .3 ohms. I always vape at about 22 watts in my Aromamizers. TFV4s require 40 watts minimally. On a coil like that, I would use a thicker wire, like 24 gauge.
For SS, I’ve had the most flavor doing spaced coils. I also use 28 gauge wire rather than 26 gauge in an effort to reduce ramp up time and to make my output .3 rather than .2 ohms which is safer. I just hope I’ll be okay if you use good batteries with sufficient amps bought from a reputable dealer, and if I take care of them keeping them in good condition. Discard batteries that are old, or have bad spots. Don’t take any chances and charge them only when you are present. I put the date of purchase on my batteries and discard them after 6 months. It all depends on how much you repeatedly use them. Recently I bought some clear battery wrap from Fasttech, and I put one layer of it on them to double wrapped my new batteries. They still fit fine in all of my mods… Evic, DNA200, Cloupor, Sigelei, Smok, UD Balrog.
I hope some of this helps add to your information base.
@Joy …Thanks for your input…question…your spaced coils…what do you wrap them on?..some kind of bolt or screw?..if so, what size and thread count for the screw?..Someone here mentioned doing spaced SS coils using a screw, but I can’t find the thread to find out what size the screw that is used to do those spaced coils… Yeah I got an Aromamizer and another 2 on the way so will be playing with some builds and will certainly refer to your input…Are you making your own Claptons?..What gauge wire to wrap those?
That was I who wrap them on a screw. I have no idea on what size the screw is except that you want it a little larger than you’d think because the wire goes down into the thread crevices. I did a search through the screws we had around the house and found a couple that were just right. I guess they are called bolts because they don’t have a point on them and the threads are close together. You could also look at a hardware store.
I bought the Clapton wire. It says 32-26-16 on it and it is kanthal. Can’t tell you where I got it. Just choose something that will be small for the Aromamizers. There’s not much more room than 2.5 mm id in them using single strand wire. It is a perfect fit with the Claptons I mentioned. You can tilt them if you like. Sometimes that is easier. Don’t forget…on verticals, cut that top wick short so it doesn’t interfere with the vapor coming out to your driptip. It does no good at the top except get in the way. Yes, one wick end at the bottom is enough, just splay it out as much as you can and make it just touching good on the deck, but not doubling over or anything. Your wicking will be fine and you will have no leaking just as long as the small holes on the base of the Armomamizer are viable. Sometimes I poke them.
I have made some Claptons myself and I think you’d need some 30 to 32 g wire. It really only matters due to what will fit in your deck. I just think it’s not worth the time it takes to make them yourself, and I’m a jewelry maker with all of the tools you’d ever need for that sorta thing. For example, my cutters and pliers are Lindstrom that cost about $50 apiece. I have been thinking about trying to make my own Claptons using Titanium wire. Ps… I really like the new Notch Coils that just came out. They are SS. You can buy them separately, but I got mine in my Theorem tank. I absolutely love that tank. Except for the smaller capacity, it is even better flavor than an Aromamizer. Well… Different though. I can’t say I’d pick one over the other. You are doing the right thing by getting Aromamizers. And yes, I got one of the V2’s without the rubber vape band, and it is A+. We can talk more anytime or all day on that.
Also… After reading all the posts, I wanted to mention that I use a small tooth flossing brush to clean off my coils. I don’t dry burn them, I just brush them and run water on them. Only very occationally do I change only cotton. I usually replace cotton and coils together. I only change just the cotton on a new tank because the cotton gathers machine oil on a new tank. I keep extra decks for all of my tanks. Fasttech has the Velocity style decks for Armzrs for about $3 apiece. They are cheap. Also, I do use horizontal decks for them too. I like either… Velocity-style (vertical)- or horizontal decks.
Love talking with you.