Can’t wait on him getting these up and running. Great bits of kit.
I’m interested too. Those things are so cool!
Thank you soooooo much for posting that video! Now I know exactly what to get my brother for Christmas: fishing swivels. He makes clapton wire all the time and that little trick will make his life about a million times easier.
I tried ss316l few months ago. I bought a bunch 100ft spools. I always got a metal taste with ss. 1st tried 24g 7 wraps spaced. I did claptons and fused, etc. anyway my tongue turned green at work. It looked funny. it was cheapo stuff. So mite try again with lightning vapes. I sure can’t afford kidney puncher.
temco and lightning vapes are my go to. LV has pre-made coils of SS clapton now.
I’m going to try temco more cause last couple orders from lv. They cross spooled 36g and 26g 24g had bad spots. Threw away half of the 26g.The 28g k was 28g n80.Dnt know whatup. But I’ll still use em. never thought about temco selling ss. Thanks
I’m a cheap bastard whenever I can be
Has anyone here used 316l ss triple core fused captions before? 28gx3 36g
If so, do they work better in spaced or parallel builds?
I’m still pretty green at working with stainless. Suggestions are appreciated
I run them as contact coils.
Thank you sir
that cracks me up every time I see it
I just watched this vid on you tube:
I hear a lot about this debate but I simply don’t have taste buds that can detect any notable differences. I like the option of using temp control so I build a lot with SS. Most of my builds are spaced but that is a function of fit more than anything else. To span the posts and get the resistance I like most builds are spaced.
I use those exact coils from Advanced Vape Supply. I just do 6-7 wraps on a 2.5mm (not spaced) and dry burn really low just to make sure no hot spots. They are so flavorful. I love em.
I am new to TC but i use SS 316L and tried spaced and contact on the predator 228.One thing i notice is spaced it can detect the temperature better but more prone to things happening and the wire getting so warped it throws it self into power mode for protection after a while. Contact coils i run with the temp lower than normal like 380-400 instead 450. But contact last longer than spaced before the mod goes crazy and refuses to fire in TC mode. It is such a pain to run TC with this MOD i think i need something better.
Just did this one. Very simple SS 316L Clapton 28/36. 0.3Ω Very versatile per large range of power and a good candidate for Temp Cont.
My current faveorite is a dual parallel 26G SS316 7 wrap on a 4mm ID. .16 Ohm & fast heat up, big flavor and temperature controlled - I usually vape at 460-470F although due to the low ohms on this build I run around 440F and 55W to help accommodate for the temperature overshoot. 440F here gives a moderately warm vape with a lot of flavor and the 55W seems to avoid burning the coils from overshoots as well.
Yes - it drinks juice.First time posting a pic - hope that works.
I’m running his in the reload RTA - I thin the cotton pretty well to avoid packing too tight in the juice well.
I think I just hit my patience limitation. Got some 40g SS from Kidney Puncher. New Great KPSI! Whohoo!!! Snaps if you look at it. Put it on the Advid Artisan and I’m making Clapton chunks. Two inches is best try so far. Me thinks 36g will be just fine.
40 is very hard to work with but since you have it you may was well use it - reduce the tension nut down to almost 0 tension and go very slow
I made a foot of fused claptons with 40g SS perfectly…ONCE! After that, I just gave up.