Thanks for the tip. I’m using tooooo much cotton by the looks of it.
Yep. I learned to use less cotton by watching a video on the Theorem. I do the same for the Avocado. Never need to tip it and it wets the wick great.
I wrote up something last night and never posted it. Here’s a lot of notes I made on the Theorem.
All notes on the Theorem RTA:
The only, only things I could complain about are the tank capacity of only 2ml and the drip tip. Personally, I do not like wide-bore drip tips, so I would have changed it anyway. For those who like wide-bore drip tips, it seems to be too small, and it gets hot. Tank capacity could be better, but it can’t get any easier to refill. So, I guess these are both subjective complaints. I’m so glad that you posted about why you think it is so flavorful. I had wondered if it was the NotchCoil or the Theorem design that was giving such big flavor. I did my own comparison with an Avocado RTA by making it identical to the Theorem. I changed it to single coil mode with a NotchCoil and the same ejuice. Flavor did increase, but it is still far less than the Theorem. That told me that it’s the design of the Theorem and not the NotchCoil that makes it have flavor that surpasses all, ALL of my other tanks.
- Flavor 11 out of 10 due mainly to small chamber size. Great design!
- Price is less than other Genesis style RTAs but quality is great.
- Appearance is technical, cool looking.
- Size and filling is good. It’s so easy to refill, it doesn’t matter if it only holds 2 ml. It doesn’t need a juice plug because in single coil mode, the ceramic block is attached to the top cap and comes off automatically exposing a fill hole. I can use anything to fill it. If you don’t stick it in the hole and just pour the juice in, it goes down the hole IF you are not air locked at the wicks! The cotton they supply in the NotchCoil is way too long and a little bit too fat. Trim it. It only needs to go ½ way down into the tank.
- Leaking – None in any way. No sweating or anything. No stickiness – wonderful.
- Use/design: If you overfill it’s okay. Just tip it a little so there’s less juice on the side with the coil and vape it a little till the volume goes down. Then your good to go till you suck it dry and need to fill it again a few minutes later.
- Temperature. I prefer 22 watts for most of my other tanks which are Aromamizers, and my Theorem runs well at 20 watts. The Avocado needs at least 38 watts which means more heat, shorter battery life and/or a larger mod.
- Rebuilding: It doesn’t get easier. I bought more NotchCoils. Still running original coil about 2+ weeks now. Note: Cotton only needs to go ½ to ¾ of the way down into the tank and works best touching the glass. There is no need to intentionally tip it to re-wet the coil. You could make the cotton very short if you want to tip the tank periodically. This makes for less distance for the juice to travel.
Other Genesis style tanks:
Avocado RTA 22 or 24 mm with 5ml juice capacity.
Ohmega Calypso RTA 30MM $49
Awesome notes and i totally agree. The flavour is really nice on the Theorem and i’ve not been able to match it with any other tank. I’ve got a Icloudcig Moradin coming today which is supposed to have really good flavour.
The Moradin looks good. It will have good flavor with all that ceramic of the deck and above on the chimney. At first look, I was thinking you should use a lot of cotton. Maybe 3.0mm coils so you can use a fat cotton wick. Keep half of the cotton on top and the other half only a little way down the wick canals. It’s nice in that you have all that ceramic, but you don’t have a ceramic coil. You have a coil you build yourself. I avoided this tank because I don’t like the large bore drip tip. Also, the threads for top fill are part of the driptip and are Delrin. Be careful with those threads. It’s a good looking tank. Please let us know what you think about it Phill.
I am wondering what you are running yours at. Mine is running at 20 watts with a NotchCoil in single-coil mode at .24 ohms in Power mode on an EVic mini.
Joy if you are referring to me, I built a single coil build with 26/32 SS316L premium clapton wire. I have tried it on some of my mods but most of the time I run it in SS TC mode on either my IPV5 or my Whiteout DNA. I set temp at 450F and watts at 30 and go up or down with it depending on what flavor I am using. Currently I am vaping my Apple Pie Moonshine liquid and it wouldn’t taste any more real if I were drinking the real apple pie moonshine from a mason jar minus the sting. I love this Theorem tank…
Yes, I wanted to know your wattage/temp/coil setup. Thanks. I will try my Theorem with a Clapton coil next time. Probably not TC though.
I do run some vertical build Claptons in Aromamizers sometimes.
I love my Apple Mix - Don’t really like Apple Pie because I don’t like the Cinnemon in that. I sometimes add real Moonshine to my vape (if it’s an old coil anyway).
I only use TC for certain liquids, I’d much rather use Kanthal with watts, it’s so much simpler. But I have a few recipes when used under temp control, they are magical…
Sounds yummy I have some of the kind with the sting in LOL
Here it is from my private stash, it is really good and I’m going by local testers not myself;
Now don’t anyone go getting addicted now, wouldn’t want the FDA to know the main reason we vape is ADV flavor addiction…
Going to have to give this one a try, I like the real stuff for sure. Thanks for sharing it.
Your welcome.
I didn’t post it public because in my experience no one is much interested in this type of liquid. They don’t know what they are missing though. I have several of this type recipes.
Here in the hills of West Virginia I bet they would be very popular. The real stuff sure is.
Fused Clapton in stainless 26/36 2.5 ID. So far I like it especially the flavour. No leaks, wicks like a bitch, easy to fill.
Oh boy. Fused Clapton in sstl. I want.
Graf yourself a drill some swivels and the wire - bingo easily done.
Check out the following link for coil wrapping. You can input the wire type, diameter of the coil, and target resistance and it will tell you the number of wraps you need based on your preferences:
And adding to that - this method is foolproof
For flavor chasing on the Velocity, I prefer a nichrome/80 or ss316 dual coils with a 2.5mm diameter at your given resistance preference. I’ve found that larger diameter and vertical coils although great for clouds are not as good as dual horizontal contact coils or SS fused claptons in the same configuration (3mm)
That 26/36 SS sounds great, and those are great looking coils on the Moradin.
I tried making Clapton coils with a drill about a week ago. I know it takes practice and I am a jewelry maker, BUT, it was horrible. I got out swivels and the whole bit. My drill had no ‘slow’ speed only fast or off. I could try again and practice, but I just don’t have the wire to waste. I guess I couldn’t see it well enough at the moment; so, I didn’t get it going right, and the wraps were too far apart. I would just need more practice. I’ve watched enough videos on it and totally understand the concepts.
Anyway… very nice.
@Joy I just bought a rechargeable drill at Walmart for $18.73 on sale, which has variable speed, depending on how hard you squeeze the trigger…Thanks @lhhhpgh for the info, I appreciate your input…
I did a 2 strand twisted Kanthal coil (with 28 gauge) with the new drill…I have always just made simple contact mini coils for my Goblin Mini…so decided to start experimenting…At any rate, I made a 7 turn coil out of the twisted material (which twisted up beautifully)…Ohmed out at ,7 Ohms…put it into my Goblin Mini… Dropped in some FA Forest Fruit, and was amazed at the improvement in flavor of that vape with the twisted, and the distinct flavor note differences…Blew me away… so I will be experimenting with more twisted and Clapton coils, combinations of Kanthal and Stainless Steel and such…I understand that mixing wire types can give what Pro_Vapes calls “staged” heating and bring out various flavor profiles of the juice at once at different temps for the different wires during the vape…Gratitude also here for @Phill for the simplistic tutorial video…Perfect timing, as my various size Kanthal and Stainless Steel wire just came in vape mail today… You guys are the best…