Steam Crave Titan PWM MOD with Aromamizer Titan RDTA review. Tootle puffers need not apply!

Several or all of those use Hammond enclosures. When you set them down they have a bit of a lean to them. It drives me crazy but you may be okay with it. Also, the mods look like they use stickers instead of 3D printing or engraving.

Try and find someone that works with you specifically on what you want, 510 source, battery sled color, fire button style, personalized engraving.

And look for 1590N1 CNC enclosures. It’s a big box but manageable. The width is 39.8mm and near perfect for the Titan sized tank.

None of this may be a big deal to you and from the wiring I saw on the boxes they do look good.


Just seeing this review. Awesome one at that. I’m in agreement about the SC Aromamizer Plus, love it. Matter of fact vaping on it now. Thank you for mentioning about the extra cotton since ever so often I’ll get brain fog and simply forget it takes just a wee bit more. Other than that it is leak proof once wicked right. Options are limitless on this things! Flavor is spot on with SC! :slight_smile:


Ok i have had a look around and a chat with this guy.
He does use hammond enclosures and the graphics are vinyl with clear coating over the top.
We have got to a p enclosure pwm board built in balanced charger and 5000mah 4s along with red screen and fire button. For £230 is that sounding about right.

Also been reading about lipo batteries. Is a 5000mah 4s the equivalent to 4 x 5000mah 18650 (if they existed)


No not really but a 4s 5000 maH battery will be able to deliver 14.8v (or roughly the same as 3.5 x vtc5a in series) believe me that is plenty of punch.

Ther added bonus is you can charge a lipo in about 10 min


That sounds good. There may be a slight bit of overhang but the P enclosure is more manageable than an N1. Still won’t easily slip into your back pocket, lol. I would ask if the same place he gets his Hammond boxes also offers CNC precut boxes. That shouldn’t effect the price. I would think the Hammond box though, with a built in charge port, he will be doing the final assembly with screws instead of magnets. There should be very little lean to the box.

With the mAh on the 4S and a build of 1.1 ohms even if you push to 10-11 volts, you will be using less than 10 amps. The battery life will be phenomenal. 2 days of heavy use between charges.


Just for a pic, here’s a pic of the IPV-IT with the Plus on it. I use this mod strictly for it. Seems to work out pretty good and looks good as well. Fit is great!