Sterling Cloud Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now

Makes sense…Hate that there is a possibility of 3 different names. Anyone who buys from Apex had to know about Sterling from Diyvs to enter properly


Sterling makes the most sense based on whats already entered .I just have to remember sterling instead of Silver


Well, it’s a slippery slope for sure @fidalgo_vapes. I didn’t want to re-live the “Merge and Purge”, but one could SUGGEST, hehe, that they get/got merged into the most popular/used ones with little consequence. I didn’t see much at all in regards to Apex.


Thanks Session! I should have just scrolled up :laughing: Had the pup to urgent care today…yay for 2025 so far. Sounds like an interesting custard!


The Brand name is Silver Cloud, manufacturer is Apex Flavors.
Re-bottled by Diyvaporsuppy as Sterling Cloud


Hope the pup is ok Lynda :crossed_fingers:


Is the puppy OK @Lynda_Marie ?


Well, giardia test came back negative. I need to get a fecal sample… he scared the shit out of us night before last. Exploding at “both ends”, could not hold down water and puppies can go downhill fast with dehydration. Bland diet, antibiotics and anti nausea meds. If it’s not parasites, he must have eaten something he shouldn’t have outside at the farm. Thanks for asking.


Sorry about the stresser @Lynda_Marie but glad it was just a scare.

@D.Sims getting slammed currently, trying to knock down those last two Gremberry Farms’s, and then I can get into your shipment.


At your leasure SD. No worries bro! :muscle:


Chocolate (Sterling Cloud)

Chocolate Type, Natural Flavor Blend (Silver Cloud Flavors)
Distributed by Apex Flavors Inc
Sku 045-571
“Chocolate Type, Natural Flavor Blend has a rich, dark chocolate flavor. It can be used in a wide range of baking and other applications requiring a water soluble flavor. Bake and freeze-proof, we recommend using one teaspoon, or 0.50% by weight of the dry ingredients in your baking mix”
Chocolate Type, Natural Flavor Blend contains propylene glycol, water, ethyl alcohol and natural flavor. This extract is sugar and gluten-free.

Tested at 3 and 5%:
Chocolate is a little light at 3%, creamy and sweet but kinda thin / watery imo.
Much better / fuller at 5%, I wouldn’t call this a straight up “rich” dark chocolate, but more a creamy milk chocolate dusted with cocoa powder
rating 6/10


YASSSSSS!!! Another soul on the job! :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


Bavarian Cream (Sterling Cloud) 3.5% (1-5-25) – FIRST ONE in this series ON DECK, thanks out to the generosity of @D.Sims. Wow, as far as this one, I love it when I try a new flavor, and no direct comparisons come to mind. That’s what happened with this one, AND, in a good way. To start, it was one of the “cleaner” BC’s I’ve tried, without most of the darker, sometimes burnt notes that I’ve gotten from some BC’s. I think my first two thoughts were, “Very clean, and creamy smooth”. Very fresh, and accurate vanilla, with some egg yolk, sweetener, and cream is what this one was. Now I said egg yolks, but it wasn’t overly “eggy”, which may sound like a contradiction, but sure enough, I got some yolks, but without the overly heavy handed eggy-ness. The creamy smooth-ness was very front and center, and it didn’t taste like a pure cream, but maybe more of a milk/cream combo, which again, is accurate for an authentic BC. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and there were no off-notes to complain about. Strength wise, it was very full at 3.5%, and being a slightly lighter flavor, felt like about an 8/10 on the strength scale.

As stated before, Sterling Cloud seems to REALLY know their Vanillas, and this was evident here with the Vanilla Bean like start, followed by the present but not overbearing egg yolks, and they rode on a super smooth milk/cream carrier. Very good, and even harder to put down. About my only want, would have been a little more saturation, but only a little, so marking down ever so slightly for that, and leaving this FIRST ONE in this series very high at a 9.8/10.


Birthday Cake (Sterling Flavors) 3.5% (1-5-25) – This one was an interesting one to test. In the bottle it smelled very close to a Cake Batter, and some of that continued when testing. It wasn’t a white cake like I’d expected, but there were some cake elements in there. I also got some good almost brown sugar, and at times, almost a molasses note, which was light. VERY interesting cake for sure. The flavor was actually very good, but not sure if it was a Birthday Cake. It had a good mouthfeel, a very smooth (creamy assuming) aspect to it. Sweetness was about mid-level, and the off-notes on this one will be hard(er) to quantify. For my tastes, brown sugar, cake batter, and sometimes molasses are not what I typically would think of in a BDay Cake. All of the notes worked together surprisingly, and it was more of a darker (not chocolate) cake, with brown sugar and cake batter mixed in. At 3.5% it was plenty strong, and it actually did taste good, but just didn’t sell me on the BDay Cake. Marking it down soley for that, and leaving it at a 6.7/10. Still worth picking up, but as more of a cake/bakery base/mixer as opposed to the main driver.