Once, and only once I accidentally mixed an eliquid at 100mg nicotine. I thought my throat closed up for a second first draw. I knew immediately what I had done. Took about an hour to get back to normal.
Ooooooo thats sound Not fun lol
Holy moly Jess!!! That sounds painful!!!
The first thing that comes to my mind (and it really isn’t so bad considering what I’ve read so far) is when I picked up a bottle of PG thinking it was VG and poured about 300 mls into my batch. I spent the next few hours asking people how to do the math in order to reverse my mistake. I finally figured out that I had enough to make about 3,000 mls of juice.
I remember that!
Yeah, I think you were one of the mixers who tried to help. I still have that batch of 300 mls of PG and flavors
I’ll repost this one, as I haven’t screwed up lately, hehe. Waaay back when I was breaking down I think a gallon of 100mg NIC that (you guessed it) had been stored in my low temp freezer prior to breaking down into smaller 60-120ml amber glass bottles for re-freezing. Took out the gallon, had already washed all of the target bottles and caps, so it was go time.
Started filling them, then capping, then moving onto the next, as there were a LOT of bottles to break down that gallon. At some point, I was greeted with a “POPPING” noise, and saw one of the caps had broken/popped off ?? WTF ?? !! Put down the big jug to investigate, and ended up “chinking” some of the already filled bottles against each other (i.e. the chinking noise), and they shattered, leaving me with lots of 100mg broken glass to clean up. Had gloves and goggles on (as we ALL SHOULD), so just a messy mess to clean up.
ALWAYS leave 3/4" or more headspace when breaking down NIC from large shipping jugs, into smaller bottles. EXPECT chilled/frozen NIC to expand when it warms, hence the headspace. If you want to play it safe like me, leave an inch or so, and top off your bottles with Argon gas to the amount of headspace is no longer air, and no worries about oxidation. Cap, tape off bottles, and always store in large ziplock bags, JUST in case.
I was doing just that until now, after I read your post lol!
popping bottles open? hint… never use a butter knife hahhahha
I use scissors✂️
I’d probably stab myself by accident JIm
Yeah I did the same thing as @muth , I always add my VG last and picked up the bottle of PG by mistake. Think it was only a 60ml batch and just dumped it started over
O-M-G !!!
Idk why I haven’t premixed my base before. Eliminates mistakes like that and one less thing to pour.
Fellow Facelifter
Well, Idk if this is stupid but it certainly was annoying. I was shaking a bottle of flavor before pouring it and Idk if the tip had a crack in it or what but I had flavor sprinkled all over my shirt and dripping down my fingers. And I had to run back to work
At least you would’ve smelled good!
Well, Butterscotch Ripple straight out of the bottle ain’t exactly a bouquet of flowers
I ALMOST SFT Real Flavors Cheesecake, but backed out at the LAST moment !!!