Sweet potato pie

Is it one that adds flavor and volume or just flavor? Its new for me


For me, both. It has a gooey sticky melted MM taste that feels quite thick in terms of mouthfeel.

ETA - just checked my notes and I get a caramelly note to it too :grin:


Yummy I think this is going to be my new marshmallow to play around with in mixes. Thank you
Ok I love caramel so this sounds like a flavor for me :slight_smile:


I added a touch of brown sugar extra (TFA) to the sweet potato pie.


Pretty much nope. There’s probably close to 10K flavors available for purchase. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just FYI for the masses, if you see a recipe that you want to order flavors for, click the wrench and then click “Add missing flavors to shopping list” it will put them on your ELR shopping list with a note that links to the recipe you added them from. :slight_smile:


After you add them to your shopping cart, when you move the flavor from your shopping cart into your stash, does the link to the recipe stay with the flavor in your stash ?


Yep. I just tried it out and the link to the recipe stays in your notes. :slight_smile:


Cool, thank you very much.


I broke down and bought those missing flavors, and the Twinkie mix is quite nice ! Really liking how the frosting comes out as the cream filling with the touch of strawberry.
Thanks for the recipe !


The frosting is really delicious. It really steeps out to be a rich creamy delicious flavor. Thanks for trying it, I’m really happy that you enjoy it as much as I do!!

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Yep, tried that recipe and thought it was ok, you will have better luck using this base from DIY Vapor Supply. It is expensive at 3.95 for 10ml but it makes an excellent base for a sweet potato pie recipe to work out.


The Sterling Cloud page on their site has an odd function and you must select a size which is only 10ml before a price will generate. I guess maybe because Sterling Cloud is one of their newest brand selection, not sure but other pages do not behave this way. To look at it, you may think Sterling Cloud is not available yet but they are.


Try any of the other sterling yet, any you recommend?


I am really liking their Vanilla Cream Cookie Filling and Chocolate Cake as well. I have a couple of others I have not gotten to try yet but I’m sure these two I mentioned many would like as they are excellent. So far the only one I have not cared for is their Myrtille concentrate which was what I thought to be a berry of some sort but it is to me a current flavor in heavy menthol, I cannot do menthol as it is nasty to me.


When I click the link a bunch of flavors come up. Which ones would u suggest for the base for sp pie?


The “Sweet Potato Pie” concentrate…I use it at 3% base. I am tweaking a recipe of a SPP at the moment.

Scroll on down to the Sweet Potato Pie, the page loads as you go down the page.


Curious to see how their sweet potato pie is. My last mix of RF SC sweet potato pie that I turned up to a ridiculous high % should be ready in the next couple of days. Might look into sterling as sweet potato is a very rare flavor.


It is really authentic tasting, I was absolutely impressed with Sterling Cloud’s Sweet Potato Pie. I am convinced that many other mixers will feel the same way about this concentrate.


Okay, so after a few months of trials here is the RF SC Sweet Potato Pie.

1.5%, nothing.
3%, nothing.
6%, vague sweetness (Probably the VG)
9%, starting to get a good marshmallow taste
12% solid, gooey marshmallow taste but still no sweet potato in sight.

I was looking at some Sterling Cloud flavors in the database (All three), is there something else they go by or are they that unused?


As far as I know they are newly available and not yet known to the DIY community. So yes, they are that unused.

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So for a sweet potato recipe I came up with this:

Sweet potatoes casserole:

Sweet potatoe RF SC 8%
Pumpkin Pie RF SC 4%
Butter Pecan FW 1%
Marshmallow FLV 1%
Ginger Snaps FLV .5%
Vanilla Custard V1 CAP 1%
Cinnamon Sugar Cookie TFA 1%
Italian Cream HS 1%

Smells divine, but still steeping.