Tank suggestions

I seem to have lost my tfv12 tank. Does anyone have any suggestions for a replacement?

I have the alien 220.


I highly recommend the Blitz Enterprises Warcraft rta. Easy to build, absolutely stupid simple to wick, great flavor, doesn’t.leak.at.all.


Go big or go home as they say.

Aromamizer plus with a 20 ml extension

There is a little overhang on the alien tho.


I don’t know how to do my own wicking, but is something I need to learn. Do they make wicked coils for it?

I found my 12, but still want a better tank. It is not very consistent. Now it’s leaking bad.

The Warcraft is so simple to wick you almost can’t mess it up. Seriously! It would be a wonderful tank to get started with building your own coils. You can buy prewrapped coils to install if you don’t want to get into that yet, then you just add your wicking. For the wicking I use cotton bacon, just tear off a strip that looks similar to the inner diameter of the coil, roll it up, slide it through, and stuff it down under the coils.
Take a look here at 4:20

I also have a review here if you’re interested


Wicking is easy after you stop trying so hard to get it right. The less you mess with your wick while placing it in, the better it will perform. Here are a couple of pointers with both types of tank wicking.

                              RTA Tanks

*Make them as short as possible for where you need them to syphon/feed from.
*Use only enough wicking material to fill in juice feed wells and don’t overstuff the wells.

                             RDA Tanks

*Make wick long enough on one side to lay and cover entire well bed/Fluff and gently place and tuck evenly in bed.
*Make the other end short and fluff and gently place on top of wick on that side.

Some side notes for any wicking type.
*Break any hard spots that may be in wicking material.
*Stretch and pull gently on any thick and dense portions of wicking material.
*If getting dry hits, try loosening up on wick and fluff more or thin out wick a little.
*If leaking it’s possibly too tight and traveling around the wick/Possibly not enough wicking material in the well/Possibly is not correctly placed in well.
*Be sure to try different wicking materials, you may find one that is easier to use.
*Be sure to try different wicking methods/techniques.

There is more than one method to wick a tank but most of these tips cover about any method outside of what ever method you may use. Also, just like anything else have patience and give yourself time to practice. I never did it right the first time and still mess up sometimes. But I do like to encourage any vapor to learn to build coils and wick because it saves even more money. After a while it’s as easy as filling a tank.


subohm, rdta or rda??? which is your preference if your trying to replace the tfv12 with something similar id check out the Valyrian by uwell

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I will have to get one for the wife. A leaky tank is her biggest irritant.


It was my #1 reason for trying it. My husband couldn’t stand all the leaking and weeping of other tanks and he’s in love with this one!


I like my Doggy Style 2K16 RTA (clone by SXK), doesn’t leak, small size with about 3.5ml tank, easy to build.

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Seems discontinued. Really hard to find.

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I ordered one on www.ecig.com https://www.ecig.com/warcraft-rta.html


I’m voting Steam Crave too !!!



Absolutely! Go Steam Crave or go home :+1:


Only drawback is you can on some mods get a barely visible overhang


Just wait until you get that 41mm Titan :laughing:


Ya that will be fine on the pen mod i think.


Maybe just a little top heavy, but yeah, should be fine.


Could always make some legs for it I have plans


Re-purpose some ski poles !!