Thats not a tank, THIS is a tank!

Can you imagine the jokes in a bar about using it? I would have to leave.


I like it. I would put my fave flave in it and not have to mess with it for a while. I mean as long as the flavor is good.


I just joined the give away. Hope i win.

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Well, I do, each dayā€¦Alisaā€™s Bust-A-Nut AND Hazelnut Cake , seriously. :smile_cat:


How old are you? Or if you wish to not disclose, how many years are you in dog years? :smile_cat:
Other than women, old people have no problem telling their age, except for Jack Bennyā€¦remember him?


Would you buy a fugly tank just to get a bit more in though? 19ml of the same juice would bore me to tears! thatā€™s why I DIY, so I have load of choice.

Iā€™m 40 ā€¦ I know you werenā€™t asking me, but Iā€™m trying to learn to cope with it in general , lol


No, Iā€™m just saying fugly folks need to get about ten of these fugly attyā€™sā€¦you will not need to buy bottles anymore. :smile_cat:
[I keep about ten attyā€™s on my desk and rotate different flavors](of course, I am home almost all the time too)

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I just got the ā€˜fatboyā€™ tank for the Cleito, Iā€™m somewhere in the middle on capacity - the 2ml or so I was getting with the RBA installed wasnā€™t enough, but this fatboy is a little much, think Iā€™m getting in around 3.5ml with it. 3ml is about my limit I think. Beyond that I find Iā€™m either sucking the life out of the tank to try empty it faster or just chucking another juice in on top :smiley:

I have 4-5 tanks I switch about through any day too, with different flavours in each


I could actually use that tank when i binge vape certain juices lolā€¦ but its an eyesore and looks like it would be heavy and awkward so id rather just keep refillingā€¦ besides the previous comment on if it leaked was right man that would be a mess


Thereā€™s plenty of tanks though that can hold 7-8ml, thatā€™s plenty for anyone.


agreed this one is overkill

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Iā€™ve been 28 for over 20 years.


Love that response I will have to remember that :slight_smile: