Vape Mail 2016!

5A lower at 30A and 3120mAh. On paper that is.

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I’ve got 4 x VCT6’s on the way, I’ll let you know how they get on :+1:


I haven’t picked up any VTC6s yet…just looked em up, and Mooch rates them at 19amps. He has placed the VTC5A in the top three best 18650 ever. Mooch rates the VTC5A at 25amp.


I just did the same thing and looked at Mooch ratings :smile:
I would say like this since i almost exclusively use mech mods, i would get a longer vaping out of the VCT6 compared to the VCT5A but the VCT5A got higher voltage which might be good for me at the low builds i do after all.


Yes, I have had them a few weeks[?] I think they were $8/ea on Illumn.
Although they claim to have a higher current rating, I would only trust
it to be 5A more than the VTC5…which is rated at 25A but sold as 30A max.

I don’t see much difference between them, and at my normal vapes I am
sure it doesn’t really matter. Sometimes I get wild, testing stuff, but
generally I don’t push too high. They do show a bit better in the mechs
than the VTC5’s…maybe ten more decent hits. In the HohmWrecker G2
I can’t see any difference, neither can I in the DB160, RX200S, TC100W,
DB2…In the Praxis Banshee they have extra life, but in the Provari Classic
and the P3 WITH THE HIGH PERFORMANCE END CAP they are lasting
about 20% longer. Charge time is about the same as other ‘newer’ batteries.
This comparison is between VTC5A-VTC5-HE4-25R-30Q-HG2
BTW, the 30Q’s are very disappointing. I bought 12 together, along with
12 25R’s, 8 HG2’s, in August. All are still about 200 below original mAh
except for the 30Q’s, which half of them have already needed reconditioning,
and one had dropped to 294mAh after a full charge.EEK !
I only buy batteries from Illumn, IMRbatteries, or RTD[especially my AW’s]
They are all tested when they arrive, all charged on a SkyRC 3000 when new,
and have precise rotation records.
Santa did not bring me any VTC6’s simply because Mooch rated them like 20A [?]
so I got more 25r’s instead, which for me and my vapes, out-lives the rest so far,
with only one exception…the AW’s.
Probably not what you asked me, so I hope it has some value.

Edit: Well, I see you already spoke of Mooch…guess I shouldn’t be so long winded,
and pay attention.


Glad to read I’m not the only one who does this, I get excited to easily!!


I vape strictly PWM these days and I can gauge a set of batteries on how long they last me through the day. PWMs get better battery life than any other mod I’ve used, but…carrying 2 PWM mods with VTC5As last me all day. No other batteries have achieved that yet. That’s all the proof i need for my style of vaping.
And you’re fine @ozo…good info nonetheless


I would think the NLPWM would last all day with one set…
or close to it.
What your POT/coil/ohm, etc.?

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I haven’t been carrying an NLPWM lately. Lately I’ve been carrying a Gunstar PWM and a Big Al’s PWM.
Iirc, they are both right around 0.28 ohms and the pots set at about 80%. Each have some type of SS clapton coils in em. I also mix in a Micro PWM from Mod PCB…same settings, usually. I also have a Big Al’s lipo PWM I carry. I think that has a 0.14 ohm in it, set to under 10%. That one has a 3s 1000mAh in it.
I just built me a new NLPWM with a 3s 2200mAh in it…haven’t carried that one yet, lol…


Just had to get a 3rd 2…
drips tips, silicone Provari stands,
couple teenie weenie NoName NoToy’s…

And next to a small Avocado 22mm


Now I know you are going to be playing with those NoToys first, right?? I need to start ordering RDAs in pairs like you because I’m constantly doing builds, teardowns and rebuilds when I get a new atty until I find the build I like.

Yes, I am wrapping for them now…they are so small, I keep losing them in my mess…hahaha
I like having ‘pairs’ to test them.
As small as they are, they are easy to build. The posts have a cut, so you can wrap the coil tails around to cut off.

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I got mine Friday and I’m finding it to be super easy to build on and the flavor is really good. I’ve only done a 6 wrap spaced SS 24g coil in it to pair with the Pico squeeze. I plan on some different builds to see how it does with higher ohm larger coil builds this week.


A couple of G4 decks for the TF-RTA and a Royal Hunter mini. Mini is right. I think I have drip tips bigger than this.


Holy moly, that’s tiny!


So many jokes to be made.


At least it has the anti-spit…


It’s not the size of the RDA it’s the “holy shit! Did that thing just do that?!?!?”


It looks absolutely ridiculous on the G2