I was right…I put less rayon in the RBA for the cleito and the flavor is some of the best ive ever had in a tank! This little thing is fucking amazing!
Was just looking for reviews on the Dripbox after seeing your mail but came across this
I presume you’ve not had this issue?
Yeah I’m really loving the Cleito RBA, 2 days using it now and barely looked at my other tanks. Flavor is so good, not had any issues, not a dry hit, leak, nothing. Well worth the money.
Looks like I need to order one… I hate missing out on the good stuff.
Received another Nemesis and some kayfun parts.
Can never have enough of these for the coming Apocalypse.
( And yes, I have been told there is newer and better(?) equipment out there.
[URL=http://s557.photobucket.com/user/Bokonondawg/media/IMAG0804_zpsyhqdsnf9.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s557.photobucket.com/user/Bokonondawg/media/IMAG0808_zps82alyshj.jpg.html][/URL]
But I’m a tube/mech guy…
New record for FT ( mean that in a good way ), 9 days.
I haven’t bothered with the fatboy bubble tank, I’m just using the standard glass. You can get just over 2ml in there still, which is fine for me, I change flavors often. I had the Cleito already so it was easier on my pocket Never had the Boreas, all I know is I’m loving this Cleito RBA, flavor is right up there on the high end.
Also you have the bubble tank down there twice
Yep… I need spares just in case. I don’t doubt it’s good, I think I will wait and hope they will release a all-in-one later.
I reckon they will, it would make perfect sense to do a full set. They’ll milk current Cleito owners first though
I finally ordered myself a Cuboid 150w and it arrived yesterday, I have to say it is a comfortable mod to hold. It’s a little heavy but I like that about it. I haven’t used it much so far but I still think I like it enough to order another in a couple weeks so I’ll have a spare.
I love my Cuboid, though it seems to go through batteries faster than my other two-cell mods.
That’s good to hear, I bought it because the good things everyone had to say about it on this site. I’ve been using a Sigelei 100w that the lovely Alisa gave me for Christmas and I love it but figured it was about time to upgrade. As for batteries I’ve been trying to stock up on some extras so I can have a rotation going and I always carry around an extra pair of charged batteries just in case. I don’t mind it going thru batteries if it is something that I like using
I now have three, been using them[since the first one] for a month now, no worries.
Where can I get one that auto-fires for me…? I am old and tired, yet not arthritic, but just in case.
Do they offer one that is intravenous, for old farts ?
First, it’s a simple PC board, 60W fixed, no OLED, nothing. No dramas for me, Mate.
Who knows what battery [10A?-less?] was used, maybe a pocket call ? but it would
shut off after 10 seconds.
Lotsa haters out in the www. world, not that this didn’t happen, but I have no worries.
A possible bad board could happen, but would be very rare indeed.
I don’t know how to take the article…yay or nay…but mine are very enjoyable.
EDIT: I use them all day long…
More junk in the trunk…UPS showed up after the heavy rain…and she was soaking wet [hot]
New CM tool kit, Fiskar scissors,needle and writer bottles, a new TOPBOX mini kit…putting a package together to send to my Brother in OZ…and hopefully before the scumbags in OZ outlaw ALL vaping…
How is the Strawberry Shisha? How about that mixed with 3% TFA Bavarian Cream? Or do you have any other suggestions I used 7% TFA Strawberry and 3% TFA BC but its not exactly great after tasting some of those premium juices from cuttwood and the little cheaper four seasons. Their strawberry was quite good.
Hey, forgot to say I’m real sorry to hear you are having trouble. Please keep us updated on whether you find a solution to this. I wonder if changing your pg/vg ratio might help or something? Sorry for the delay too. Busy week.
Thanks, brother…I’m not so sure if it’s the ratio, even though I’ve not changed my ratio. It’s just certain tanks that do this to me while others dont.
Some tanks that do:
Boreas, Apache, Coral…that’s off the top of my head and that sucks, because those are some amazing fucking tanks!
When it starts to happen with certain tanks, I just switch em out for others and then the Queen starts to use em, lol…
I have bought these for $5.50ea
And these for $5.25ea