Vape Mail 2025!

No, not at all! I have the SS new and will throw a build in when I get my Bams Cannoli I ordered. I think once ya get the deck lock down and that oring loosens up, it’s good to go. I unfortunately wasn’t able to grab another on sale, because…well…animals…but they are definitely worth full price, which I will pay gladly!


Ahhhh, I forgot about the timing @Lynda_Marie, i.e. the animals. If I had put 2 and 2 together I would have picked you up one.



@SessionDrummer is that CNV cookie really a choco chip cookie??


Thank you, no worries! I’ll definitely grab another soon. I still haven’t put mine down. I’m just not taking it to go because it’s been down the low teens or below lately, I don’t want the glass to break :upside_down_face:


@Lynda_Marie 4 years ago (LOL), I got more of a neutral cookie …

Cookie (Chemnovatic) 9% (6-28-20) – Cookies may be one of the hardest flavors to get right for everyone. Soo many different kinds. American, European, Dry, Chocolate Chip. My absolute current favorite is DIYFS Cookie, and that was more of an American Toll House cookie. This one was actually not like any other I’ve tried yet. If I were forced to compare, it is like a combo of FA Cookie, and JF Cookie. Somewhat dry, nice almost grainy elements, with low to mid sweetness, with no discernible base coloring like Vanilla or Chocolate chip. Rather neutral, and I believe the grainy-ness that I was picking up might lean this more towards a European biscuit style, and away from an American pastry type cookie. It’s not overbearing, and could easily be manipulated to either style. Continued vaping leads me to the assumption that it would def. work in a base, and would require some tweaking to either a pastry or biscuit as you need. All in, pretty solid cookie, fairly neutral, mildly sweet, with some detectable grain to it. 7/10 feels good here.

IggyZ seemed to have good luck with it in his DLLT recipe, so I was going to see if it would improve mine or not …


I have orders enroute from FW and DIY Flavors. As luck would have it, both packages are currently in… LA.
At best, delayed. At worst, burnt to a crisp


Go figure, I’m missing the lemon…and for some reason I never grabbed Fa butter. Looks like a nice recipe. How comparable are vt butter base and Fa butter?


Believe it or not, with all the flavors I have @Lynda_Marie, I don’t have the Butter Base LOL.


Heads up for the US peeps ordering from Nom Nomz, there will be a change in how we have to order. Richard said he’ll be sending out an email to their US customers explaining it. I helped him last night work around the issue and he the’s found a way around it. One of his payment providers required him to remove the US from his shipping options, so if you go to order, and don’t see the US, don’t worry. Until he sends the email, if you need to order, I’d send him an email and he’ll instruct how to proceed. Just an FYI :slight_smile:


Ugh, that situation there really really sucks :confused:


Thanks for the heads up! Just received the email. At least there is a workaround.


Great!! The process isn’t idea, but we did a couple trial runs last night, it’s easier than it sounds! I made a real post about it in case people aren’t signed up for their emails.


I worked with some Jeff dude from BCF in 2016 setting up USPS to Canada and if Richard has any Canadian issues I’m willing to help/test.


Spares are always a good idea …


Finally, after 2 months because of the Canada Post debacle…


BANGING flavor choice @UrsusArctis.


Thanks! Going to have to pick your brain about the %-age for your rumble crumble recipe. I know you said cut it in half because its Silverline, but there seems to have been a bit of a discussion between you and @fidalgo_vapes about that in another thread (can’t remember now). Just waiting for another shipment before I have all the flavs and I can make it.


I’m glad I managed to score three of them at discount price. Got a blue, SS and a gold one. Can’t wait to recieve them!!!


Well, if you bought both of those for that recipe, then I thank you @UrsusArctis. IF you did, I hope you like it as much as I do.

Yeah, I guess the jury is still out on the NEW MF Lemon. I had heard multiple accounts that it was indeed stronger than the OG (the one I still use), but Fidalgo didn’t think it was. Because it IS an additive to that recipe, cutting it in half wont hurt at all. If it seems like it’s NOT over-lemon’d, you could double it (back to the OG strength). As you know you can always add more, but you can’t take it out.