Vapor.gearbest share good deals & giveaway

I want one of these just because lol i want one :slight_smile:

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Dear all,
Let introduct some new arrival here today.
Original Arctic Dolphin ADT 210W TC Box Mod
coupon code: DolphinADT coupon priceUSD$66.69

Original ADVKEN Honeycomb Clearomizer
Fashion design which give you better enjoyment

Original SXK Nebula Wine RTA
Come with Screwdriver / Screw / O-ring

Original Kanger NEBOX 60W
USD54.09 for EU warehouse


Promotion on coming weekend

Smok X Cube II $46.99

KSD Luxury Box 35W coupon code: gbweek10

Kangxin Vapor Flask V3 coupon code:gbweek7

Kanger SUBOX Nano Starter Kit (pink) coupon code: gbweek3

[URL=“”]Kanger SUBOX Nano Starter Kit /URL coupon code: gbweek2

[URL=“”]Youde UD Zephyrus V2 RBA[/URL]
coupon code:ZephyrusV2 coupon price:$22.52

[URL=“”]Yocan Punk 60 E-Cig Mod[/URL]
coupon code:Yocan60 coupon price:$29.69

[URL=“”]Wotofo Serpent RTA[/URL]
coupon code: SerpentRTA coupon price:$19.69

[URL=“”]SXK Nebula 200W TC Box Mod[/URL] $64.74

[URL=“”]Elephone ELE Star 80W TC Box Mod[/URL] $44.78

[URL=“”]Youde UD 32ga + 28ga x 2 + Ribbon Kanthal A1 Wire[/URL] $9.55

Dear all,
The double twelve promotion is coming soon,Vapor gearbest Santa sized clearance.
Please pay attention to it,Share this good news&win a cool E-CIG XMAX GIFT,We will randomly select and announce the 3 lucky winners of the cool
E-Cig Xmas Gift per day on the above Facebook page.


[URL=“”]Original Amigo Revox DNA 150W TC Box Mod[/URL] USD$69.02
[URL=“”]Original Think Vape DNA 200W TC Box Mod[/URL] USD$119.02
[URL=“”]Original WISMEC Noisy Cricket Mechanical Mod Kit[/URL] USD$20


is that a DNA chip in the 150??

While there are 150W DNA200-based mods out there, I doubt this is a DNA200 or even Evolv chipset…

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They are just str8 up deceptive.

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Click here

New items
[URL=“”]Kingside KSD Sea Wasp 40W TC Box Mod[/URL] $38.99

[URL=“”]KVP 180W TC VV VW APV Box Mod[/URL] $43.79
And our official Facebook announced 3 winners today,
tomorrow will announce another three.Please pay attention
Have a good weekend.

Hey everyone! I have some great deals to share!

[B][URL=]TESLA Nano Temperature Control Mod[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]Original Kingside KSD Sea Wasp 40W TC Box Mod[/URL][/B]
USD$32.99 with coupon code: [I]KSD40W[/I]

[B][URL=]Tesla 100W YEP Sub One S Mod[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]Eleaf iStick Basic[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]Original Joyetech eGrip VT E Cigarette Starter Kit[/URL][/B]
USD$40.69 with coupon code: [I]eGrip[/I]

[B][URL=]Original Hcigar Fodi RDTA Tank E Cigarette Atomizer[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]Taifun GT2 Nano Style RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]Esige Everest 6ml Sub Ohm Tank Clearomizer[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]Original Smok Beasts Kit TF-T4 and TF-R3 RBA Coil Head (Clapton coils)[/URL][/B]

[B][URL=]5pcs Original Smok TF-T8 0.16ohm Coil Head for TFV4 / TFV4 Mini (Clapton Coil)[/URL][/B]

And our Santa Sized Clearance Deals are on until the 24th! Some of the amazing deals include the Kanger Subox Nano Kit (Pink and Purple) for USD$33.09 and the Wismec Reuleaux RX200 for USD$47.99. [URL=]Check out more here[/URL].

No links working yet. :smile:

But they’re pretty and blue like a link… :wink:

It’s such a tease.

I fixed the links…

@Zarya Your links look like so: [URL=‘’]

They need to be without the ’ like so:


Thanks for all your suggestion,I will change in the future.

Hey everyone! I have some coupon deals to share today!

[B][URL=]Original Elephone ELE Star 80W TC Box Mod[/URL][/B]
USD$44.78 coupon code: ELE80W

[B][URL=]Original Wotofo Serpent RTA[/URL][/B]
USD$19.69 coupon code: SerpentRTA

[B][URL=]Original Think Vape DNA 200W TC Box Mod[/URL][/B]
USD$115.35 coupon code:ThinkVape200

[B][URL=]Original SMOK Koopor Plus 200W TC Box Mod[/URL][/B] (Amazing Deal for 200w + Temp Control)
USD$39.95 coupon code: KooporPlus200

[B][URL=]Hotcig DX200 DNA 200W TC Box Mod[/URL][/B]
USD$116.99 PM me to get the coupon code

Hello everyone! Today I have some deals and info on a giveaway!

Anyone who orders an Elephone ELE Cigar P70 for USD$29.99 from December 17 to December 18 will be entered to win an Elephone Ele Atomizer! We have 50 to give out, so each day 25 winners will be selected.

While this promotion is on The Elephone ELE Star 80W TC will be USD $44.99 and the ELE Atomizer for USD$10.00

Unfortunately because it is getting to that time of year again our warehouse is packed full causing some orders that have not shipped already to have a short delay. We would like to apologize for this delay and inform you that we are doing our best to get your orders out as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Date 18:00-20:00 17th/Dec 2015(GMT)
[URL=]Original Elephone ELE Star 80W TC Box Mod[/URL]

[URL=“”]Original Elephone ELE P70-LAISIMO 70W TC Box [/URL]

[URL=]Original Elephone ELE Aeolus Tank Atomizer[/URL]

[URL=]Original Elephone ELE P70-LAISIMO 70W TC Box[/URL]


Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I have some weekend deals! I have some to post tomorrow as well.

[URL=]Kanger KBOX Mini Platinum TC 60W Box Mod[/URL]
USD$45.99 with the code Platinum

[URL=]Original OBS Crius RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer[/URL]
USD$21.99 with the code OBSCrius

[URL=]Original Kingside KSD Sea Wasp CS 120W TC Box Mod[/URL]
USD$38.55 with the code WaspCS

[URL=]OSnowWolf 200W 1.5 Version 200W Temperature Control Box Mod (three colors)[/URL]
USD$92.99 with the code SWG200

[URL=]Original Laisimo SnowWolf Mini 75W TC Box Mod [/URL]
USD$59.99 with the code SnowWolfMini