Yeah, it really is. Two VERY smart, well spoken people, who actually KNOW what they’re talking about. Kind of refreshing today.
Got some Otis goin’ on there …
Doing a little psych-up for a gig with the NC Symphony I’m running tomorrow night. Stella Chin is truly one of the greats of present day violinists! Some shows I run, I get excited about… this one… ecstatic!
This album came out my freshman year in college. Loved it then and still think it is underrated in today’s world. What an incredible first album. Gotta say that “Do It Again” is a fun song to play.
I heard a hoot owl howling outside my window and it made me think of this song. This is a rerecorded version, but the piano intro & outro remain (not the same without those)
Thanks for the memories. He used to play this at the National Western Stock Show here in Denver years ago.
Oh wow! I haven’t thought of this in decades. I loved this song as a teen. The mental images are some of the best I’ve ever had from a song.
Mark Knopfler, Beryl (Live) (Tracker, 2015)
… …
It’s all too late now
It’s too late, you dabblers, it’s all too late
It’s too late, you dabblers, it’s all too late
Beryl was on another level
When she got a Booker medal
She was dead in her grave
After all she gave
… …
The Band has re-united in the sky with the death of Garth Hudson. He didn’t get the recognition of some of his fellow band mates but brought stability and maturity to The Band. The folks of my era are passing away more frequently.
This is a classic. The looks on “Oscar and Felix’s” faces were genuine. If it had strings on it, Roy Clark could play it masterfully. The goofy guy from Hee Haw was a true virtuoso. When many folks talk about the “best of all time” they many times leave out Roy Clark…and Glen Campbell, as well as a number of others.
Kiffness has been killing it