Getting a head start on WTF Wednesday. Both aren’t so much WTF, more like whuh??
Up first-How’s about a little haka in your metal? Yes, you heard me! The whole song in in Maori and it rips. Good stuff for metal-tuned ears.
Next up, is some black metal(Or is it death core? I always get those confused…) Can’t quite decide what’s more fucky-the weird-as-hell playing around in the woods(Replete with simulated anal copulation) or the Cookie Monster lyricism that devolve into Scooby Doo on a bad acid trip. I’ll let you brave few be the judge! Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Right?!?!? My YouTube algorithm makes some pretty out there suggestions at times. Every once in a while I’m glad of that-This being one of those. They’ve got another video that actually has closed captioning for the lyrics(Shows the English equivalent) It’s pretty wicked-A bit dark, but then so are some hakas.