Oh hell no. I assume you were twirling willy nilly and not under the guidance of a master? lmao Wish we had a video of THAT.
I was just a kid and Bruce Lee was the shit! Good thing you tube or for that matter, videos, didn’t really exist for your average joe back then.
Yeah good thing or you would be skyscraper jumping.
Speaking of which, have you seen the new jumper videos?
Nah, too scared of heights. I do remember my aunt saying I would kill myself jumping snowmobiles. That’s probably what I’d film.
Do you know what parkour is? I just learned.
parkour, the practice of traversing obstacles in a man-made or natural environment through the use of running, vaulting, jumping, climbing, rolling, and other movements in order to travel from one point to another in the quickest and most efficient way possible without the use of equipment.
That’s just a sampling.
I’d heard of it and seen some examples but think it is simply insane. We were all young once but even in my most adventurous of ages I wouldn’t have thought of trying that. Just one mistake or slip and at best you break a bone or three but at worst you put your family through the worst pain possible. I appreciate I’m a grumpy old fart and young people have the idea they’re bulletproof but the truth is they’re not. From a spectators point of view it is thrilling to watch but I would rather not imagine how those leaps and spins could very easily end.
Yep, I saw one with a young women crashing and ending up laying on the ground. You know there’s got to be some mishaps. I can’t imagine what their parents think of this! Has anyone fell to their death? I don’t know and I wonder if it would be publicized? Yet, I’m still amazed at the athleticism and courage (craziness) of it. To me, it looks like young people trying to be real Spidermen or something. Blame it on Hollywood, lol.
“Knees of steel”
Wait till they get in their 50’s and 60’s. It won’t be knees of steel it will be knees of titanium when they get replaced.
I had the same thoughts. But then they might think it’s cool to have titanium knees They can also cut their feet off and replace them with running blades
Or maybe by the time they’re 50 yrs old knee replacements will come with shocks and struts
I honestly don’t think either of my kids would have had the nerve. Neither would they have had the athleticism but for that I’m extremely grateful. Children are supposed to outlive their parents obviously being the natural order of things. I understand the adrenaline rush and peer pressure but that quite honestly I believe is pushing the boundaries too much. Extreme sports and adventures are just that and some people love them but … no.
Finished. I would rate it 8/10 tho… the lead actor changes a bit.
This is a bunch of seperate stories, only one of which relates to the original or FEAR series. I agree with the rating on this one.
And to finish off…
Again I agree with the featured reviewers title “Disney meets the dead”
What. In. The name of. F***!!!
That’s the coolest and most insane thing I’ve ever seen. No harness, ropes, or metal shells…Jebus!
Frankly, I think it’s shear insanity. The one that I can’t stop thinking about is dropping down two very close walls using your hands and feet as brakes
Ikr? It’s cool because it’s not me doing it and I don’t personally know anyone who is…or else I’d be very concerned. But…there’s a part of me that wants to try sliding down a narrow space between two walls using my feet and hands as brakes. I feel that is more doable than free flying off a building, hoping your knees don’t pop. In reality, I am NOT going to do it. But I would try if it was just a small drop of about 3-4 ft. I would wear gloves with grips on the fingers and palms and a very new pair of sneakers Maybe cleats, but that could send sparks flying…cool!
Speaking of what are you watching, don’t forget to watch the lunar eclipse, if you can.
When to see Tuesday’s partial lunar eclipse of the harvest supermoon?
When will the eclipse occur? The partial lunar eclipse begins at 8:41 p.m. Eastern and reaches its peak at 10:44 p.m. , when more than 8 percent of the moon will be in full shadow, according to NASA.1 hour ago
I thought it was corny at the beginning but ended up watching it through the entire series. I enjoyed the tongue in cheek humor and crazy characters and story lines. Different strokes for different folks. There are other series that folks have raved about that did nothing for me. Guess that is why we have such a variety of entertainment options.