My personal preference is 316L. The 317 had a very slight metallic taste to it that built up in my mouth after a day of vaping. The flavor of the juice itself was about the same though. I’ve read that others had the exact opposite experience, so yeah, try them both and see which works better. I usually buy the 26g and wrap it around a 2.5mm rod. With the 3mm ID, I usually get hot juice pops. What I love about SS is that simple builds are fantastic. No real need for elaborate builds (although a clapton with NI80 outers are pretty good). Ebay has SS wire in abundance for a reasonable price. I think I paid about 6.00 and change for a 50ft roll.
I definitely want to try that build. Lotta smaller coils it seems to me would heat up more quickly than one long piece of wire. I’m noticed if I make too many wraps I must wait for the coil to heat up. I can also get a second hit on a long-wired coil. I don’t like that. but I think this setup might remedy that situation.Oh my ju st thought… I wonder what it does to ohms? too low?
(Resurrecting a thread from the past)
So now that significant time has past, what is everyone’s favorite coil build? Just getting into this myself and looking for others opinions. I’m more of a flavor chaser than a cloud chaser.
I’ve settled on 22 or 24g titanium with a 3mm or 2.5mm ID depending on how much room on the deck. The only other builds would be Clapton’s in the Velocity, Temple or YEP RDAs. Those are usually a 316Lwith NI80 or Kanthal wraps. I like to go in hot with those…
Titanium is he one wire I don’t have, YET. Right now I have been buying pre-built wire in addition to single wire until I learn how to do my own building of claptons, etc. Just trying to see what I like first.
As of now, I have:
Single wire:
- Kanthal - 24g & 26g
- SS 316L - 26g & 28g
- N80 - 26g
- Ni200 - 26g
Twisted 3x28g Kanthal
Clapton Wire:
- Single 26g/32g Kanthal
- Parallel 2x26g/32g Kanthal
- Parallel 2x28g/32g Kanthal
- Twisted 2x28g/32g Kanthal
It’s giving me a bit to work with and playing around on Steam Engine with different configurations.
I haven’t change builds in quite a while. This works perfectly for me…
Those are too low ohms for me! I’m not a pro on battery safety, so I stay in safer ranges. The lowest I’ll run is .1 or .2
Note there is no zero before the .1 or .2. What type of battery do you need for that resistance? How many amps?
Same here. I like to stay around 0.25 at my lowest. Especially since I don’t TC.
Every time I try to TC, I really don’t see any benefit, and then I get " protection’ or some other jerk-off issue. It doesn’t make my coils last longer or anything good. Sometimes it will pulse, pulse, pulse. I like to regulate my OWN heat! LOL. It is said you should use TC for Titanium and I don’t. I KNOW you will see the titanium oxide - IF it every occurs. Well, I’ve never seen any. It hasn’t caused me any issues yet. LOL. I was at the doctors’ office last week and I was telling a guy how vaping saved my life and they don’t want me to be on o2 anymore. He said “Watch out, you could get popcorn lung”. OMG. I just said no one has ever gotton popcorn lung from vaping. Don’t you just hate it? We need to arm ourselves with some quick replys and BE ready. Why? oh why is this happening? Makes me need a drink. LOL>
Most of these new TC mods will safely fire down to .05 ohm. Most regulated mods shouldn’t even fire if it’s too low. They should state how low they will go. I’m not a battery guru, but maybe someone with more battery knowledge than me can tell you how this will work on a mech mod.
Ok. Maybe you have taught me something here. Finally a reason I would use TC. Okay.
20 awg (kanthal) dual stove top coils, with a 2.5 mm internal diameter 4 raps on each comes out at around 2.4 ohms each, on twisted messes limited edition rda absolutely kicks ass for flavour, and the rda stays nice and cool compared to the twisted messes original (don’t ask me why?!), I run mine at 120watts you get clouds and flavour! Best of both worlds
Quick reply is… “maybe you can get hit by a meteorite”… it’s the same probability.
Thank you Pro_Vapes. I’m ready next time. Hey… We should start a thread on it… What people say and what to say back. We need to speak pro-vape more. You know the sqweeky wheel gets the grease. Do you know of any threads or discussions anywhere like that? Another time… my sister’s son-in-law said “Vaping is dangerous because it puts moisture in your lungs”. I told him “You’d better be really careful when you take a shower! You wouldn’t want to get vapor in your lungs.” It’s just like people saying there are chemicals in the ejuice. I’m sure if you listed the ‘chemicals’ in water it would look really bad. So… I’ve heard PG and VG are in a lot of things. I need to find out more specifically so I have some examples.
My favorite coil is Titanium 26 gauge about 2.5mm inside diameter, about 8 wraps that comes out to about .3 ohms. I make the diameter as large as I can for the particular RBA deck. That way, I can make less wraps and keep my resistance not so low (a higher number). I use 26 gauge because it fits better and ramps up faster than a thicker wire. Yea… It probably does not last as long as a thicker wire, but wire is cheap, and I don’t mind building coils. Besides, it’s usually gunk that ruins my coils. I clean them now and then using a tooth flosser brush I keep near the kitchen sink.
Though I like @Pro_Vapes reply…
I think you should have told this doctor that being you are in the medical field then you should know the difference between propaganda being passed around and true facts about vaping. You as a doctor should know a little about any and all beneficial devices which help the American Public in such a big way. I certainly feel a doctor should. My doctor does. Perhaps this doctor got a medical degree from Fox News…
I like that… He should know realistic information about vaping, a beneficial device helping people in such a big way rather than listening to propaganda being passed around. It wasn’t the doctor that said it, It was just a guy there, another patient at the doctors’ office. _One problem is… They say they "just don’t know’ yet. They don’t have statistics on how vaping can effect you. They’ve got an answer for everything? True facts? Where do they go to learn. Why is there propaganda? I wish I had better answers. I need to work on it myself. I need better replies.
How do we put this in the correct thread? This subject matter is not the correct topic.
Did this ever get a thread going?
Heck I don’t know. I start talking about the wrong topics all the time. Thank goodness sometimes someone moves it to the correct place. lol Also, I don’t go online regularly. Sometimes it’s a long time before I reply.
Best build specially for flavor. On Griffin25 with Demonkiller Alienwire. 5wraps dual coil. Ohms .2 and you can go up to 70 - 80 wats. i find my sweet spot around 40-50 watts. Very nice wire and good ramp up time.