My only regret is I wasn’t a subscriber (could not stand the guy after awhile) so could not join in any of the unsubscribe parties. What a disturbing change in his behavior the past couple of years, crack cocaine would be my guess.
Personally, I could care less. I watched his vids and learned how to coil. I have watched a lot of his reviews and learned quite a bit. This latest crap doesn’t bother me a bit. It’s like really, who gives a shit?
Ready. Carve me up a slice of that!
Same here… until I started watching other reviewers. The clowning became unbearable for me. His style of vaping was a contrast to what I like, so I started following reviewers that vaped more like me and I learned a lot more.
Same here. I haven’t watched his vids in a long time. Once I got into claptons and all the variations of those I went on to Twisted Messes and Sqiddood and a few of the others. I don’t put much into watching reviews of anything. Because if you are getting free shit and you give a bad review, no more free shit. So I magine most of those guys don’t tell you how they really feel.
…cream please!.. Bavarian, sweet, or Vienna… I dont mind.
I could care less of what this fool is spouting too, until it adds fuel to the anti-vape wagon.
I actually had my boss and a few others this week make reference to the “effects” of vaping as well as the idiots who make pipe bombs. Seriously, yesterday alone I had 6 different people say “You know those things explode right” as I was hitting my tank on my wismec dna200…
We all know how easily the ignorant are influenced and “respected” assholes like this guy do more damage than good…
Just have to keep his face familiar, and remember to throw things (preferably on the solid side) at him. I watched some of his earlier videos in passing, he eventually started to annoy the heck out of me so I stopped.
I suppose fame, and probable money got to his head, and thus, like most twats, he sold himself out.
Yea it doesn’t help a thing when a well known vapor spews arguably unknown and questionable vaping side effects to an audience of already anti "vapophobes’’ trying to discriminate our rights. It only adds fuel to the politicians (Big Government) trying to tell us what we can and cannot do. Rip is an idiot if he didn’t realize this before pulling this stupid stunt. Then realizing how badly he pissed off the vaping community, tries to recant and say “uhhhh, I was only trying to help those newbies get through some side effects and help them with side effects they may be experiencing.” Ffffiip, just wow, what an idiot…