What is in Campfire Outdoors and S'mores?

Question about the outdoors and Smores. Do you know approximately how long it’s been around for? I think that would help you to narrow down some of the flavoring possibilities. Ie… If it’s been around for 3 to 4 years and hasn’t been reformulated, you can exclude probably a lot of rf sc, Flv, and purilum flavors since they’ve all only developed in the last couple years. Though I’m not so sure about rf sc, I know they only recently been expanding their line, they’re not really new.

But if you are not as much concerned with cloning and rather more interested in making a great vape, disregard my comment. Lol.

I love following this thread. Good job.


@netweight Roger that. I’ll have to do some checking, and you are right, sometimes WHEN something was made CAN be very revealing. I know that myself and @AZViking are pretty dead set on trying to figure it out, and he’s got a better sniffer than I do. But, if we stumble across something along the way, that just turns out to be too damn delicious, hehe, we’ll make a note of that as well.

The main track with RF DCC is still on track, and I did a side track, only to see how a choco/hazel from RF would fare in there. The main track is still going ahead. I believe that even though we’re not going creme heavy, with DCC and GC, steeping is still really needed. I know AZV had a thought about a tobacco that had pine-ish notes to it, and it checking that. I’ve had many recommendations for the FA Black Fire and now I see why. DEF. adds smoke to whatever it’s in. Still steeping, waiting, thinking …


I’ve seen a few shops that make their own lines using the big three for the most part (cap, tfa, & fw), I think us diy folks are the main ones using all of the more obscure lines. Not saying that they all do it, but you’ll find few clones that us rf or ooo or inw (at least that I’ve seen anyway).

I couldn’t tell you when it first came out, or if it was reformulated because I’ve just got my first bottle to help Dman to figure this one out; but I do know that it came out when the “premium” juice lines could still get away with charging $40+ for a 60ml bottle lol. Funny that since the market has adjusted and is more reasonable that I don’t buy them anymore and just make my own!


The stinkies really do a number on the olfactory senses, this does return with time. You will find yourself scaling back on flavor percentages unless you have a prexisting condition (allergies, etc) eventually.


Lol. Aint that the truth! I havent bought any premiums for quite a while now. I mean, i will when i see something intriguing. Oh wait, i recently bought mr.miyagi by alphavapes because that was my favorite for a little while about a year ago and this place had it for less than half of what i used to pay for it. I believe it used to be either $15 or $22 for a 30ml but now it was only $8! Sadly I dont even like it any more, all i could taste was overpowering tpa papaya. I loved it before. I think i just over did it and ruined it for myself by vaping it too much. Ive done the same with honeydew and watermelon, unfortunately.

Anyways, im just blabbing now. love watching you guys work, good stuff and good luck.


BCF has added some of FW’s new flavors to their selection, one of them being s’mores. Now I know that the premium in question was created before FW started producing this flavor, but I just thought it was noteworthy.

BCF added other new FW flavors that actually look intriguing, just a heads up.