Can’t wait and I’m sure there are plenty waiting in line…
To be honest I liked the taste at those percentages. I’m trying it with more variations to see if I can better the recipe. Please feel free to round up the percentages , see if you like the taste. Keep lychee and papaya at low percentages as they tend to over power everything. (for me at least they do).
No recipe is set in stone, you just have to find the right click for yourself.
I really appreciate the feed back though.
Looks good Ms Jazzy. Thankfuly i have all of the flavors. Ill whip this up now
Thanks Robin! I hope u enjoy it
No doubt. And I’ll go ahead and toot my own horn with this example.
I think you were talking about the addys yogurt yer it was alright bit the yogurt seemed to high for me gunna try the banana one with sum subs.
Playing with some vta this one is coming along nicely actually.
This one needs some slight adjustments any help would be great
Think i just need to bring the toast down a notch.
Made this last night and been vaping it all day.
SF test or a TTS Original?
2 of my previous mixes (bb cheesecake & nana sb yogurt)
a test mix of ry4d/red burley/vanilla shisha
by @Stafylidis_Vladimiro
Response sent in private message
Now that I’ve pretty much depleted my 6 nic vape and I have 2" happy printer paper time to restock everything @ 3 nic
First on my list 120ml of
Edit: or maybe 300 ml @ 0 nic
I’ve seen you post this recipe here multiple times already… must be good but I doubt I’ll ever make this.
16% recommended usage for a single flavor? good grief. that’s one way to keep people spending big bucks on flavors. The lack of notes on LB flavors also don’t really tempt me.
Have you ever tried to make this with another pina colada brand?
I got it… It was just a ?. No need for that response Mr. 100.
Honestly I haven’t tried any other pina colada flavoring.
After tasting many store bought pina coladas and being very disappointed .
When lb came out with pina colada . It took me a little while before I ordered it
I was pleasantly surprised and started looking at pina colada drinks with fruits
@anon28032772 if you live in the USA . I could mail you some @ 0 nic . Once I get a few bills paid
Much appreciated, but it’s not worth the international shipping.
I’ve been looking for pina colada notes and none really get the greatest ratings… I think I’ll just make my own with some rum, pineapple, coconut and cream. That blackberry (cap) has gone onto my shopping list though
Here is were I got the idea from. It was on the original posted recipe but it got deleted some how and the copy didn’t have the link. Just noticed link was missing. Maybe once you get the blackberry it might inspire you
Gettin down on this tonight.
Lemon Meringue Pie W/Caramel
0.25% Caramel (Flavorah)
0.05% Lemon (MF)
8.00% Lemon Meringue Pie v1 (CAP)
Flavor total: 8.3%
Big post, sorry for all the scrolling.
This weekend I have finally had time for mixing a bunch, which has not been the case for a while. I’ll spare you the stuff not worth the mention:
I am worried by 4% of Fuji but it is supposed to be an apple vape so why not. compare to Peter Marzipan…
With a FA-> RFSC sub for Pineapple
@DarthVapor having a bad influence on @Amy2 . Good idea, I love massala spice and taro is really growing on me…
And a bunch of Taro/Fig from DarthVapor as well.
Because I don’t want to give up on HIC’s recipe completely yet.
Smells like death, but I will vape it and see if it rocks my boat.
Small percentage, pretty good flaovour as a SnV
Reducing Orange cream from 15->10%, and it is pretty good as a SnV in a little atomiser. Not sure I want it on a big coil.
Apple-bacco (Sad Panda Vape)
Too much apple for me in there as SnV, steeping might help for the flavours to develop