who is this discobot that seems to want an eternal conversation? i joined recently and i thought it would just be a few replies to ensure that i was not a bot myself and as a short tutorial. but it keep going and going and now it’s in my email inbox. is it just a “fun” feature of ELR and can i just quit it? thanks, sorry for the noob question
its kind of like wheres waldo, except the question to figure out is Who is this discobot??? haha jk
You can’t quit, it’s actually me. I get sad when you don’t answer.
PS it’s not really me, it’s just a bot helping you through the process. He will be quiet eventually.
It is certain
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. — George Bernard Shaw
It’s basically a walk-through tutorial for anyone that may not be familiar with the particular forum software (Discourse) that’s used here.
It also has some fun (fluff) features for giggles added in (as seen above).
It’s also integrated into the Discord (voice chat and text app, unaffiliated with discourse to my knowledge) software that folks use for real-time chat. It also has the ability to pull up recipes, and Google interaction as well.
Hope this helps!
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start new user
Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
answer my own ? cause i’m Green, overthink, OCD, way to much info-research,OCD, overthink,errrr!!
but I love the info and notes and research, because it does and has made me much better and getting better.