Win Ijoy Avenger 270 Kit, Artificial Intelligent for Voice Control--5/17


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Entry #1
the ā€œVoice Controlā€ technology is a gimmick at this pointā€¦ you say up wattage and it only moves 10 watts at a timeā€¦ now if you could say 76 watts and it jump to your exact wattage ā€¦ that would be more usefulā€¦
But i understand you have to start somewhereā€¦ so this is just the beginningā€¦
Cool mod thoughā€¦ even with the voice thing off.
Prolly would make a good videoā€¦

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Entry #2

Another ijoy product I think is coolā€¦
On HGā€™s websiteā€¦


I like that its 18650 or 20700ā€¦
Although I have no 20700 battsā€¦
I know ijoy sends batteries included with some of its kitsā€¦
Cool to get the mod, tank, and batts all included in one kit!

Entry #4

Good looking kit!!
Everything ya need!
Great job ijoyā€¦
Nice product selection HG !

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Entry #5

Really good looking mod!
Ijoy !

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Well voice control is an interesting idea not sure how useful I would find it but it would be fun to play with

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Entry #1

How do you think of the ā€œVoice Controlā€ technology
Exciting! I talk to my mods all the time, but they just sit there and donā€™t respond. :smiley:

Entry #2

Is there any other Ijoy product you like? Paste its link via [heavengiftscom ]
MIRROR Green !! how pretty. :slight_smile:

1 Voice control - Great, as long as It can be turned off.

2 Itā€™s Playable to me because I like to play with mods

3 I like all I Joy products :wink:

  1. Have not heard much about Ijoy products or looked too much into it. Havenā€™t heard too many complaints either.
  1. New toys are always welcome.

Entry #3

Is this Avenger 270 Kit playable to you? Why?

Sure! Because, well, itā€™s pretty, new and interesting.

Entry #4

Heavengifts have some really interesting products like this OUMIER WASP NANO Squonk KIt

I REALLY love the look of this GREEN Squonk device. Would love to do
a review! :slight_smile: image

@SessionDrummer @ozo @Dan_the_Man
(forgive me if youā€™ve already been tagged guys )

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#1 post one i think voice control is quite gimmicky but i might be persuaded otherwise when trying the mod

#post 2 yes i the avenger 270 kit is playable to me, because id like to try and use it

#post 3 this looks good to use

#post 4 entering 5 times a day as per rules