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Wow! I completely missed all this. Well, I wouldn’t have asked for samples ATM anyways, cos I’m not currently mixing (also live in the UK, but then I do tend order loads of stuff from the USA, so would not object paying postage) . But Amoretti has been on my wish-list for aaaages, so I read the whole thing with much interest.

Many thanks @amovapeteam for reaching out to the vaping community like this. It’s a pity that so many (pretty damned serious) snags arose. Let’s hope that Amoretti learn from the experience, this time around.

And many thanks to all the "guinea pigs£ for your notes!

From my POV, I was pretty alarmed, not only by the unexpected sugar and/or oil content of some flavours. and not only by the difficulty of identiftying PG-free flavours (am PG-sensitive) given labelling . issues. Also i was struck by the presence of “corn syrup” in one flavour . And that reminded me that not only am I sensitive to gluten (which manufacturers do tend to accomadat , these days) but also to corn., which is a whole lot more problematical, as it’s not one of the top twelve (or whatever number it is these days) allergens, and “hiddden corn” abounds , especially in American products, cos corn is dirt-cheap in America. It’s like corn is the new gluten …in more ways than one.

You already have a lot on your plate, @amovapeteam , , since somebody’s listening . i fel i might as well ask you to to think about the corn content in your flavourings, not just for vaping but for food use too. i mean try to identify any hidden corn in your ingredients and label the product accordingly, or better yet, eliminate the damned stuff (except in places where you’d expect it , eg “corn flavour” because it looks to me like a really profound mistake to put something like that into almost every food product on earth, just because it’s cheaper than the alternatives , as most manufacturers are doing right now. (eg the increasingly popular “glucose-fructose syrup” is a corn product, “glucose syrup” can be a corn product, etc etc. but it’s certainly not just the sugar substitutes).

Honestly, I’m not really expecting you to take action on the above, because you surely have plenty on your plate already, what with sorting out those labelling issues etc. and it’s a really widespread problem. But that said, i don’t think that your company actually needs to cut costs by introducing corn into everything does it? So, I’m hoping that you guys will ( when you have some spare time) do a bit of research into this, and maybe make some changes accordingly.

Thanks, again.


can you message me the flavor that had corn in it @jay2


Sorry, I didn’t take part in the test, I just read this this thread with great interest. I’m going by comments such as such as this one:

If you use the search term “corn” , and check the box for “search this topic” . you can easily find them all . Best to get first-hand info from the likes of @fidalgo_vapes , methinks.

But thanks for the response :smiley:

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