Any runners/bikers here use Strava?

If you do and want to follow or be followed let me know. We would have to exchange our real names though … so we could just PM that info. Strava is a good motivator to exercise when you see other people doing it. Anyway, let me know and I’ll PM you my name and we can follow each other.

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Can it track how many times we stop for a vape break and take flavor notes. Lol.

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Why is everybody using their real name for all these apps? Is it mandatory? Can’t you just use a nick name? I haven’t tried Strava but I’m using Komoot but with a nick name, it’s working fine so far.

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You can use whatever name you want. Most people like myself just connect with either google or fb and it uses whatever name you’re using for that by default, but it can be changed. There’s also a privacy setting so only your first name will appear unless you are following whoever is looking at your profile.

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No but I’ll pass that on to the devs.

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