Billow V2 ~ by EHPro Review

Now that’s thinking ahead! Putting all the options on the table is the way to sell the crap out of an atomizer!


Your right. I went to change coils so I could try the Billow v2 with Titanium and I had a screw back out. I tightened the screw and the ohms dropped to .26 ohm. I gave it pull and the flavor was there. Yep… this is a well rounded tank. I was wondering why it wasn’t all there. Glad it’s straight now because I was feeling discouraged.


Yeah, I’ve had that happen a few times myself on atty. I’m to the point now where I can tell if I’m only firing on one cylinder, so to speak, since I do dual coils 100% of the time. Pesky little screws!


Good to know… That’s the first time it’s happened to me. That tank is built too well to be lacking on flavor and I know your palette would have detected that. What I vaped was flat with no flavor.


Well, I got my Billow v2 in today and so far the review and comments are spot on.

Trash the stock coils as they are too big to use with the sealing tube.

I’ll chime back in after a few more days with more, if I have anything. Back to enjoying my newest!


Thanks for the review Jim, ND and CHV. I bought my Subtank Mini’s to see if RTA’s were getting close to RDA’s, for flavor. Well they are and im ready to move on. Ive been eying The Billow V2 and the Goliath V2. The airflow on the Billow V2 looks excellent and the tank looks nice too, not that that really matters to me. Im leaning towards the Gv2 as im a big fan of UD products. I am quite lazy so the single coil option of the GV2 is right up my alley but i want both. Looks like someone will be spending some time on the couch again…

Thanks again fellas.


Wow! That was some quick ship time. Lucky you! Yes, the coil chamber is fairly reduced, so huge coils aren’t an option. Enjoy!


So, we’ve got them in (sorry, the photos were taken with my phone) and I must say we are enjoying them. Much better airflow than the Billow v1.


Nary a whistle!

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I fitted it with a dual 8 wrap Nickel Clapton build. .051 ohm, 2mm ID. It’s lowest the IPV4 allows.


…and a tiny little crowbar!


Wow, that’s some artistry.


I have wicked my billow V2 exactly like you have showed in your pictures but I’m using element liquids 80VG/20PG. the wicks seem to be juicing fine, but after about 2 hits it just tastes burnt. I’ve tried all different methods of wicking it but nothing helps. even if i leave it for a few minutes to juice back up, there’s no difference just a burning taste. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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I use 80% VG juice most of the time myself and don’t have burnt or dry hits. I use a mech and/or VW device at about 25 watts.
1.) What are you using for wicking material? And are you “filling up” the coil with that material?
2.) What device are you using? (ie wattage / voltage / mech / variable wattage?)

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I use authentic Japanese organic cotton, I use it for all my rba’s and drippers and no problem. What do you mean by ‘filling up the coil’? I use the eleaf istick 50w at around 20-25W, I’ve used it on other mods and it makes no difference.


Are you cutting it short enough so that it fits into the cotton lip on the deck or are you pushing too much cotton in there?

I find an angled cut in your cotton helps to make sure you haven’t got too much because as you slide the chimney over it forces the cotton down more, so if you have to much cotton sitting in the lip you effectively choke the juice flow.


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Thanks @Jimk for an excellent review on the Billow V2. Have you compared it to the Lemo 2? I’m sure I will purchase the Billow V2, but I’m a little apprehensive on the Goliath V2. I just retired my two constantly leaking and shorting out Goblins, so I’m not sure I share the enthusiasm for UD products. Thanks again, keep the good tobacco recipes coming.


ive tried a few different methods of wicking, and none of them have worked. they all seem to get the same burning taste after a few hits

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This is shocking to me. I’ve never had one issue with these. One of my best and the Goliath is my favorite.

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Here’s my method that so far has worked every time I’ve wicked my billow v2.

I take a sheet of muji and pull off the 2 thin outter layers (those papery feeling layers on the outside) to reveal the lovely fluffy cotton within.

I cut a strip about 5mm in thickness, I twist both ends and fold it in half.

Cut the fold so that you have 2 pieces of cotton both with a twist at one end.

Pull the cotton through the coils.

Place your scissors very close to the deck lip and cut the cotton.

Then I make another cut that makes each side into a point.

Then I paint the wicks with juice.

Using a screwdriver I pack the pointed end of the wick into the lip that sits just above the juice channels.

Using my screwdriver I pack the rest of the wick slightly up so it makes an “n” shape through the coil.

Then when I slip over the chimney it doesn’t push the wicks in too far.

Fill up with juice and give it a few minutes for bubbles to start rising.

If the bubbles are rising then she’s wicking properly.

I’ve got a mate coming round in an hour for me to fit a new build in his billow for him.

I’ll take some pictures as I’m doing the wicking and post them to help you out.