Can't taste custards!

cheap nic to me usually tastes peppery, custards take a long time to steep like a month+ sometimes maybe you could premake a custard base then add stuff to it later - i would make a large base or maybe a few bottles then you can make sure you have enough later presteeped

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“Double Love” on that one. To have a custard base to work with will be a dream. Bummer I have to go in steps to get there. Can’t completely trust a recipe until I love it myself. Can’t make a large-ish batch until I have good success after a long steep. The voice is saying “patience.” Oh, now it’s back to telling me to burn things…

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Hey yeah, I have some more small squeeze bottles coming in. That’ll be a great plan, put together 3 or 4 or 5 different small batch trials meant to be a custard base, so I can sample each of them at intervals. Thanks for the inspiration Cosacee.

My opinion of what is “Suggested Single Flavor %” is different than 95% of the people who add their % into the database. I have come to the conclusion that my ideas are wrong so I have quit publishing my ideas on my own SF% to avoid contaminating the database. IMO the suggested SF% should be the maximum percent that you can add of a flavor and be able to taste it without the flavor being obviously too much after a reasonable steep. The signs I look for is a bad over flavored taste, or chemical taste, or a point where the flavor is so strong it no longer tastes like what it is supposed to, or if the flavor is noticeable as too high to the point it sticks on my palate.
I as you may know have PD and I have recently realized it makes a difference on my sense of taste and smell.
When I was doing SF checks I would look at the database % and find the highest real looking number and start their and go up. Depending on how strong I thought the flavor was I would increase it by .5% to 2% increments and mix about 4 bottles. The label would show the date, the flavor and % used. I mixed the bottles and tried them at 0, 7, 14, 30, 180 days and again after 1 year.
It became too much trouble now I just wing recipes and hope for the best :slight_smile:


I don’t think you can be wrong with your %, it’s so totally personal. You may have different sensitivity to flavors, or you may vape on different settings, different equipment.
The intention of the database is that it looks at all uses of everybody, no matter what devices they use or how they vape, and tries to make an average/median number from everybody. That doesn’t mean those numbers will be right for you, it just gives you an indication to start with to get an idea of the strength of those flavors. If you know from experience that those numbers are way too high, too low or just right, you’ve got something to work with.

Besides the general trends that you can make up for yourself, there will still be some flavors that will be completely off with their numbers to you. I have that for example with TPA Brown Sugar. If I even use half of the median used, I find it overpowers the whole juice. Then there are others like e.g. FA Vienna Cream, I can probably even double or tripple the median used and still not pick it up at all in any mix or single flavor mixes… That’s just the way flavors are, they work in their uniquely mystic ways and they’re different for everyone of us :wink:

But I wouldn’t start hiding your preferred SF %. It can always be useful to someone.


Everyone’s honest opinion is valid. :slight_smile:


Welcome back Ken :slight_smile:


Thanks. :slight_smile:

Not being able to taste custards makes me sad. :frowning:


I would LOVE to know your favorite blend of custards!
I would LOVE to know what e-juices you have in your daily/weekly rotation!

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Well, VC V1 (CAP) is still my most used custard, i cant seem to get away from it but i do dabble with others. I like FA Custard in certain fruit mixes, INW custard in some bakeries and both FLV custards make their way into some of my mixes. Euroflavors Custard is pretty decent too, it kinda took me by surprise.

My two main ADV are Sugar Rush (My Way) and Strawnana Custard Mixed at 10.5%. My third right now is Simple Yumberry Custard by Woftam, so good. Another of my favorites is Subliminal by Pro_Vapes, it is so different from anything i have vaped. I mixed a base and then mix it at 10-12%.

The third changes every few months, i like to try new stuff but i try to keep that spot open to try other mixers stuff.

Just an FYI, dont try Sugar Rush. I have been trying to quit the stuff for a year or more.


Sugar rush is hidden

Here is the original:

Here is mine, some slight alterations to preferred flavors:

I usually cure it for a month but vaping it after two weeks is very good too.

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I’ll be making your version this weekend. I’m finally getting in graham rf sc.

How heavy is that graham note? Lately I have been digging graham flv, but think I need another good graham in my stash.

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It is my favorite graham, very realistic tasting and quite potent. I original mixed this at .5% GC RF but it overwhelmed the mix and the graham is supposed to be a background note. It is a very plain GC, no honey or cinnamon notes that distract from the main cookie notes.

Im not sure why i am so hooked on the stuff but since the very first time i mixed it i was instantly hooked. At this point i vape it on some kind of 316L dual fancy coil @ .25ohm and 55-65 watts on a Boreas.

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It’s one that i have to mix in huge batches, I know it gets better and better and is tremendous after a 6 month steep. I guess i need to mix larger batches.

note: for anyone just tuning into this thread scroll up there is a goldmine of information here.


Yeah, in order for me to get to close a 6 month cure i have to keep a static stock of a couple liters, i go through around 240ml/week, sooo gud.

I thought that i would vape less of it when i switched from RDA’s to the Boreas but that hasnt happened, at all. hehe

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You are walking proof that vaping is safer than smoking!

It is probably around 210ml but for the last couple months stress levels were way high so i might have vaped a bit more.

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you are a pretty solid 2 pack a day smoker, if your vaping was converted to smoking equivalents. I am not far behind you but then, I vape 9mg :expressionless:

You wouldn’t vape so much if you had to buy it!

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Darn right, i realized a couple months into vaping that buying it wouldnt work out for me, the day after i got my SVD and IGO-W4. I vape 0 or 2mg, i cant even handle 3mg anymore.

I just realized that i derailed this thread, sorry @Zander4.