I didn’t create this wire, I learned this technique from @R113 and @TheTinMan1 helped me understand it better!
I hope I covered everything, if you have any questions just ask and I will answer when I see it!
And for my peeps that where interested @therabidweasel@paingawd@Jayrell
When I make chain links I sometimes run the drill with the wire in it and take a pair of toothless pliers and apply gentle pressure thus flattening the links and giving it a more chainy appearance. Doesn’t do anything to improve flavor though, just adds to the ascetics.
So you are doing the original twisted in clockwise…then twisting them on each other for the second time in a counterclockwise… OK cool…What size core do you use for your coil winding process?..and how many turns?..What is your final ohm on your finished coil?.. I do twisteds but haven’t tried twisting it on itself…
Gotcha… I typically wrap around a 2.5 mm core to about .5 to .8 ohms using a 2-wire, single twisted 28 gauge SS-316L…should be doable with your technique…and if not, then I could move to a 30 gauge…and achieve my desired ohms… Hows ramp up time on your vape?
Well I have a few mods I run it on and it’s quick, I usually run about 100w In tc and the mandrel I use is a coil master one and it just says 25 on the back I assumed it meant .25 but it probably means 2.5, it actually winds up at 3.0 because it’s a bit springy.